require 'yaml' require 'English' require 'fileutils' require 'digest/md5' require 'forwardable' require 'securerandom' require 'sequenceserver/pool' require 'sequenceserver/api_errors' module SequenceServer # Abstract job super class. # # Provides a simple framework to store job data, execute shell commands # asynchronously and capture stdout, stderr and exit status. Subclasses # must provide a concrete implementation for `command` and may override # any other methods as required. # # Global `config` and `logger` object are available as instance methods. # # Singleton methods provide the facility to create and queue a job, # fetch a job or all jobs, and delete a job. class Job class << self # Creates and queues a job. Returns created job object. def create(params) job = # TODO: Dynamic dispatch. enqueue(job) end # Fetches job with the given id. def fetch(id) job_file = File.join(DOTDIR, id, 'job.yaml') fail NotFound unless File.exist?(job_file) if RUBY_VERSION < '3.1.0' YAML.load_file(job_file) else YAML.load_file(job_file, permitted_classes: [Time, Symbol, SequenceServer::BLAST::Job, \ SequenceServer::Database, SequenceServer::Job]) end end # Deletes job with the given id. def delete(id) FileUtils.rm_r File.join(DOTDIR, id) end # Returns an Array of all jobs. def all Dir["#{DOTDIR}/**/job.yaml"] .map { |f| fetch File.basename File.dirname f } end # Enqueues a job that is already created, returns the job object def enqueue(job) pool.queue { } job end private # Thread pool used for running BLAST searches. def pool @pool ||=[:num_jobs] || 1) end end include FileUtils # Provide access to global `config` & `logger` services to the job objects. extend Forwardable def_delegators SequenceServer, :config, :logger, :sys # Initialize the job: generates a job id, creates directory where all kind # of job data will be held, yields (if block given) and saves the job. # # Subclasses should extend `initialize` as per requirement. def initialize(*) @id = SecureRandom.uuid @submitted_at = mkdir_p dir yield if block_given? save rescue Errno::ENOSPC raise SystemError, 'Not enough disk space to start a new job' rescue Errno::EACCES raise SystemError, "Permission denied to write to #{DOTDIR}" rescue => e rm_rf dir raise e end attr_reader :id, :submitted_at, :completed_at, :exitstatus # Returns shell command that will be executed. Subclass needs to provide a # concrete implementation. def command fail 'Not implemented.' end # Shell out and execute the job. # # NOTE: This method is called asynchronously by thread pool. def run sys(command, path: config[:bin], stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr) done! rescue CommandFailed => e done! e.exitstatus end # Is exitstatus of the job available? If yes, it means the job is done. def done? !!@exitstatus end # Raise RuntimeError if job finished with non-zero exit status. This method # should be called on a completed job before attempting to use the results. # Subclasses should provide their own implementation. def raise! raise if done? && exitstatus != 0 end # Where will the stdout be written to during execution and read from later. def stdout File.join(dir, 'stdout') end # Where will the stderr be written to during execution and read from later. def stderr File.join(dir, 'stderr') end # Where to save all kind of data for this job. def dir File.join(DOTDIR, id) end private # Saves job object to a YAML file in job directory. def save File.write(yfile, to_yaml) end # Save arbitrary blob of data for this job to a file. Returns absolute path # to the file. Doesn't mean the saved file will be linked to the job object # Downstream code must do that itself. # # NOTE: # Job dir should have been created before `store` is called. In a # subclass this can be ensured by appropriately calling `super` in # `initialize` method. def store(key, value) filename = File.join(dir, key) File.write(filename, value) filename end # Retrieve file from job dir with the given name. Raises RuntimeError if # the file can't be found. # # NOTE: Not used. def fetch(key) filename = File.join(dir, key) fail unless File.exist? filename filename end # Marks the job as done and save its exitstatus. def done!(status = 0) @completed_at = @exitstatus = status save end # Where to write serialised job object. def yfile File.join(dir, 'job.yaml') end end end