require 'sequel/core' module Sequel # Lets you create a Model subclass with its dataset already set. # +source+ should be an instance of one of the following classes: # # Database :: Sets the database for this model to +source+. # Generally only useful when subclassing directly # from the returned class, where the name of the # subclass sets the table name (which is combined # with the +Database+ in +source+ to create the # dataset to use) # Dataset :: Sets the dataset for this model to +source+. # other :: Sets the table name for this model to +source+. The # class will use the default database for model # classes in order to create the dataset. # # The purpose of this method is to set the dataset/database automatically # for a model class, if the table name doesn't match the implicit # name. This is neater than using set_dataset inside the class, # doesn't require a bogus query for the schema. # # # Using a symbol # class Comment < Sequel::Model(:something) # table_name # => :something # end # # # Using a dataset # class Comment < Sequel::Model(DB1[:something]) # dataset # => DB1[:something] # end # # # Using a database # class Comment < Sequel::Model(DB1) # dataset # => DB1[:comments] # end def self.Model(source) Model::ANONYMOUS_MODEL_CLASSES[source] ||= if source.is_a?(Database) c = c.db = source c else end end # Sequel::Model is an object relational mapper built on top of Sequel core. Each # model class is backed by a dataset instance, and many dataset methods can be # called directly on the class. Model datasets return rows as model instances, # which have fairly standard ORM instance behavior. # # Sequel::Model is built completely out of plugins. Plugins can override any class, # instance, or dataset method defined by a previous plugin and call super to get the default # behavior. By default, Sequel::Model loads two plugins, Sequel::Model # (which is itself a plugin) for the base support, and Sequel::Model::Associations # for the associations support. # # You can set the +SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS+ constant or environment variable to # make Sequel not load the associations plugin by default. class Model # Map that stores model classes created with Sequel::Model(), to allow the reopening # of classes when dealing with code reloading. ANONYMOUS_MODEL_CLASSES = {} # Class methods added to model that call the method of the same name on the dataset DATASET_METHODS = (Dataset::ACTION_METHODS + Dataset::QUERY_METHODS + [:eager, :eager_graph, :each_page, :each_server, :print]) - [:and, :or, :[], :[]=, :columns, :columns!] # Class instance variables to set to nil when a subclass is created, for -w compliance EMPTY_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = [:@overridable_methods_module, :@db] # Boolean settings that can be modified at the global, class, or instance level. BOOLEAN_SETTINGS = [:typecast_empty_string_to_nil, :typecast_on_assignment, :strict_param_setting, \ :raise_on_save_failure, :raise_on_typecast_failure, :require_modification, :use_after_commit_rollback, :use_transactions] # Hooks that are called before an action. Can return false to not do the action. When # overriding these, it is recommended to call +super+ as the last line of your method, # so later hooks are called before earlier hooks. BEFORE_HOOKS = [:before_create, :before_update, :before_save, :before_destroy, :before_validation] # Hooks that are called after an action. When overriding these, it is recommended to call # +super+ on the first line of your method, so later hooks are called after earlier hooks. AFTER_HOOKS = [:after_initialize, :after_create, :after_update, :after_save, :after_destroy, :after_validation, :after_commit, :after_rollback, :after_destroy_commit, :after_destroy_rollback] # Hooks that are called around an action. If overridden, these methods must call super # exactly once if the behavior they wrap is desired. The can be used to rescue exceptions # raised by the code they wrap or ensure that some behavior is executed no matter what. AROUND_HOOKS = [:around_create, :around_update, :around_save, :around_destroy, :around_validation] # Empty instance methods to create that the user can override to get hook/callback behavior. # Just like any other method defined by Sequel, if you override one of these, you should # call +super+ to get the default behavior (while empty by default, they can also be defined # by plugins). See the {"Model Hooks" guide}[link:files/doc/model_hooks_rdoc.html] for # more detail on hooks. HOOKS = BEFORE_HOOKS + AFTER_HOOKS # Class instance variables that are inherited in subclasses. If the value is :dup, dup is called # on the superclass's instance variable when creating the instance variable in the subclass. # If the value is +nil+, the superclass's instance variable is used directly in the subclass. INHERITED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = {:@allowed_columns=>:dup, :@dataset_methods=>:dup, :@dataset_method_modules=>:dup, :@primary_key=>nil, :@use_transactions=>nil, :@raise_on_save_failure=>nil, :@require_modification=>nil, :@restricted_columns=>:dup, :@restrict_primary_key=>nil, :@simple_pk=>nil, :@simple_table=>nil, :@strict_param_setting=>nil, :@typecast_empty_string_to_nil=>nil, :@typecast_on_assignment=>nil, :@raise_on_typecast_failure=>nil, :@plugins=>:dup, :@setter_methods=>nil, :@use_after_commit_rollback=>nil} # Regular expression that determines if a method name is normal in the sense that # it could be used literally in ruby code without using send. Used to # avoid problems when using eval with a string to define methods. NORMAL_METHOD_NAME_REGEXP = /\A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\z/ # Regular expression that determines if the method is a valid setter name # (i.e. it ends with =). SETTER_METHOD_REGEXP = /=\z/ @allowed_columns = nil @db = nil @db_schema = nil @dataset_method_modules = [] @dataset_methods = {} @overridable_methods_module = nil @plugins = [] @primary_key = :id @raise_on_save_failure = true @raise_on_typecast_failure = true @require_modification = nil @restrict_primary_key = true @restricted_columns = nil @setter_methods = nil @simple_pk = nil @simple_table = nil @strict_param_setting = true @typecast_empty_string_to_nil = true @typecast_on_assignment = true @use_after_commit_rollback = true @use_transactions = true Sequel.require %w"default_inflections inflections plugins base exceptions errors", "model" if !defined?(::SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS) && !ENV.has_key?('SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS') Sequel.require 'associations', 'model' plugin Model::Associations end # The setter methods (methods ending with =) that are never allowed # to be called automatically via +set+/+update+/+new+/etc.. RESTRICTED_SETTER_METHODS ={|x| x.to_s}.grep(SETTER_METHOD_REGEXP) end end