include Rake::Funnel::Support describe Rake::Funnel::Support::Zipper do describe '#zip' do let(:source) { %w(bin/1 bin/2 bin/3/4) } context 'failure' do context 'target not defined' do let(:target) { nil } it 'should fail' do expect {, target) }.to raise_error(/Target not defined/) end end end context 'success' do let(:target) { 'some path/' } let(:zip_root) { nil } let(:zip) { instance_double(::Zip::File).as_null_object } let(:mtime) {, 3, 9) } let(:zip_entry) { double(::Zip::Entry).as_null_object } # rubocop:disable RSpec/VerifiedDoubles before do allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p) end before do allow(::Zip::File).to receive(:open).with(target, ::Zip::File::CREATE).and_yield(zip) allow(zip).to receive(:add).and_return(zip_entry) allow(File).to receive(:mtime).and_return(mtime) end before do, target, zip_root) end it 'should create the target directory' do expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.dirname(target)) end describe 'configuration' do it 'should allow unicode names' do expect(::Zip.unicode_names).to eq(true) end it 'should use best compression' do expect(::Zip.default_compression).to eq(Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) end end describe 'work-around for' do it 'should explicitly set the file mtime' do expect(zip_entry).to have_received(:time=).with(mtime).exactly(source.length).times end end describe 'common path' do it 'should remove the common path from the source' do expect(zip).not_to have_received(:add).with(/#{source.common_path}/, anything) end end describe 'zip root' do [nil, '', 'some path/inside the zip file'].each do |root| context "with '#{root || 'nil'}'" do let(:zip_root) { root } it "should put files below #{root.nil? || root.empty? ? 'the root' : "'#{root}'"}" do expect(zip).to have_received(:add).with(/^#{root}/, anything).exactly(source.length).times end end end end end end end