module ActiveModel module Validations class CreditCardValidator < EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) type = options.fetch(:type, :any) record.errors.add(attribute) if value.blank? || !Luhn.valid?(type, sanitize_card(value)) end def sanitize_card(value)'- ','') end class Luhn def self.valid?(card_type,number) if card_type == :any self.luhn_valid?(number) else self.send("#{card_type.to_s}?", number) end end def self.mastercard?(number) self.luhn_valid?(number) and !(number !~ /^5[1-5].{14}/) end class << self alias :master_card? :mastercard? end def self.luhn_valid?(number) and !(number !~ /^4.{15}/) end def self.luhn_valid?(number) and !(number !~ /^3[47].{13}/) end [:diners_club, :en_route, :discover, :jcb, :carte_blanche, :switch, :solo, :laser].each do |card_type| class_eval <<-VALIDATOR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.#{card_type}?(number) self.luhn_valid?(number) end VALIDATOR end def self.luhn_valid?(s) return false unless s && s.is_a?(String) return false if s.empty? value = s.gsub(/\D/, '') return false if value.empty? value. reverse. each_char. collect(&:to_i). each_with_index. inject(0) {| num, (i, index) | num + if (index + 1) % 2 == 0 i*=2; ((i > 9) ? (i % 10) + 1 : i) else i end } % 10 == 0 end end end end end