require "data_tables/data_tables_helper" module DataTablesController def self.included(cls) cls.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def datatables_source(action, model, *attrs) modelCls = Kernel.const_get(model.to_s.split("_").collect(&:capitalize).join) modelAttrs = nil if modelCls < Ohm::Model if Gem.loaded_specs['ohm'].version == Gem::Version.create('0.1.5') modelAttrs = Hash[* { |v| [v.to_s, nil] }.flatten] else modelAttrs = {} end else modelAttrs = end columns = [] modelAttrs.each_key { |k| columns << k } options = {} attrs.each do |option| option.each { |k,v| options[k] = v } end # override columns columns = options_to_columns(options) if options[:columns] # define columns so they are accessible from the helper define_columns(modelCls, columns, action) # define method that returns the data for the table define_datatables_action(self, action, modelCls, columns, options) end # named_scope is a combination table that include everything shown in UI. # except is the codition used for Ohm's except method, it should be key-value format, # such as [['name', 'bluesocket'],['id','1']]. def define_datatables_action(controller, action, modelCls, columns, options = {}) conditions = options[:conditions] || [] scope = options[:scope] || :domain named_scope = options[:named_scope] named_scope_args = options[:named_scope_args] except = options[:except] || [] es_block = options[:es_block] # # ------- Ohm ----------- # # if modelCls < Ohm::Model define_method action.to_sym do logger.debug "[tire] (datatable:#{__LINE__}) #{action.to_sym} #{modelCls} < Ohm::Model" if scope == :domain domain = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path.to_s.split(",")[0] return if domain.nil? end search_condition = params[:sSearch].blank? ? nil : params[:sSearch].to_s sort_column = params[:iSortCol_0].to_i current_page = (params[:iDisplayStart].to_i/params[:iDisplayLength].to_i rescue 0) + 1 per_page = params[:iDisplayLength] || 10 per_page = per_page.to_i sort_dir = params[:sSortDir_0] || 'desc' column_name_sym = columns[sort_column][:name].to_sym objects = [] total_display_records = 0 total_records = 0 if defined? Tire # # ----------- Elasticsearch/Tire for Ohm ----------- # # elastic_index_name = "#{Tire::Model::Search.index_prefix}#{modelCls.to_s.underscore}" logger.debug "*** (datatable:#{__LINE__}) Using tire for search #{modelCls} (#{elastic_index_name})" retried = 0 if Tire.index(elastic_index_name){exists?}.response.code != 404 begin controller_instance = self results = do query do boolean do if search_condition && retried < 2 must { match :_all, search_condition, type: 'phrase_prefix' } else must { all } end except.each do |expt| must_not { term expt[0].to_sym, expt[1].to_s } end end end # retry #1 exclude sorting from search query sort{ by column_name_sym, sort_dir } if retried < 1 filter(:term, domain: domain) unless domain.blank? if es_block.is_a?(Symbol) controller_instance.send(es_block, self) else if es_block.respond_to?(:call) end from (current_page-1) * per_page size per_page end.results objects ={ |r| modelCls[r._id] }.compact total_display_records = total_records =, search_type: 'count') do query do boolean do must { all } except.each do |expt| must_not { term expt[0].to_sym, expt[1].to_s } end end end filter(:term, domain: domain) unless domain.blank? if es_block.respond_to?(:call) rescue Tire::Search::SearchRequestFailed => e if retried < 2 retried += 1 "Will retry(#{retried}) again because #{e.inspect}" retry end "*** ERROR: Tire::Search::SearchRequestFailed => #{e.inspect}" end else logger.debug "Index #{elastic_index_name} does not exists yet in ES." end else # # -------- Redis/Lunar search --------------- # # logger.debug "*** (datatable:#{__LINE__}) Using Redis/Lunar for search #{modelCls} (#{elastic_index_name})" records = scope == :domain ? modelCls.find(:domain => domain) : modelCls.all if except except.each do |f| records = records.except(f[0].to_sym => f[1]) end end total_records = records.size logger.debug "*** (datatable:#{__LINE__}) NOT using tire for search" options = {} domain_id = domain.split("_")[1].to_i if scope == :domain options[:domain] = domain_id .. domain_id if scope == :domain options[:fuzzy] = {columns[sort_column][:name].to_sym => search_condition} objects =, options) total_display_records = objects.size if Gem.loaded_specs['ohm'].version == Gem::Version.create('0.1.5') objects = objects.sort(:by => columns[sort_column][:name].to_sym, :order => "ALPHA " + params[:sSortDir_0].capitalize, :start => params[:iDisplayStart].to_i, :limit => params[:iDisplayLength].to_i) else objects = objects.sort(:by => columns[sort_column][:name].to_sym, :order => "ALPHA " + params[:sSortDir_0].capitalize, :limit => [params[:iDisplayStart].to_i, params[:iDisplayLength].to_i]) end # -------- Redis/Lunar search --------------- # end data = objects.collect do |instance| columns.collect { |column| datatables_instance_get_value(instance, column) } end render :text => {:iTotalRecords => total_records, :iTotalDisplayRecords => total_display_records, :aaData => data, :sEcho => params[:sEcho].to_i}.to_json end # ------- /Ohm ----------- # else # Non-ohm models # add_search_option will determine whether the search text is empty or not init_conditions = conditions.clone add_search_option = false if modelCls.ancestors.any?{|ancestor| == "Tire::Model::Search"} # # ------- Elasticsearch ----------- # # define_method action.to_sym do domain_name = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path.to_s.split(",")[0] logger.debug "*** (datatables:#{__LINE__}) Using ElasticSearch for #{}" objects = [] condstr = nil unless params[:sSearch].blank? sort_column_id = params[:iSortCol_0].to_i sort_column = columns[sort_column_id] if sort_column && sort_column.has_key?(:attribute) condstr = params[:sSearch].gsub(/_/, '\\\\_').gsub(/%/, '\\\\%') end end sort_column = params[:iSortCol_0].to_i current_page = (params[:iDisplayStart].to_i/params[:iDisplayLength].to_i rescue 0)+1 per_page = params[:iDisplayLength] || 10 column_name = columns[sort_column][:name] || 'message' sort_dir = params[:sSortDir_0] || 'desc' begin query = do query do boolean do if condstr must { match :_all, condstr, type: 'phrase_prefix' } else must { all } end except.each do |expt| must_not { term expt[0].to_sym, expt[1].to_s } end end end filter(:term, domain: domain_name) unless domain_name.blank? if es_block.respond_to?(:call) end results = current_page, per_page: per_page, sort: "#{column_name}:#{sort_dir}", &query) objects = results.to_a total_display_records = total_records = 'count') do filter(:term, domain: domain_name) unless domain_name.blank? if es_block.respond_to?(:call) rescue Tire::Search::SearchRequestFailed => e logger.debug "[Tire::Search::SearchRequestFailed] #{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" objects = [] total_display_records = 0 total_records = 0 end data = objects.collect do |instance| columns.collect { |column| datatables_instance_get_value(instance, column) } end render :text => {:iTotalRecords => total_records, :iTotalDisplayRecords => total_display_records, :aaData => data, :sEcho => params[:sEcho].to_i}.to_json end # ------- /Elasticsearch ----------- # else # # ------- Postgres ----------- # # logger.debug "(datatable) #{action.to_sym} #{modelCls} < ActiveRecord" define_method action.to_sym do condition_local = '' unless params[:sSearch].blank? sort_column_id = params[:iSortCol_0].to_i sort_column = columns[sort_column_id] condstr = params[:sSearch].strip.gsub(/_/, '\\\\_').gsub(/%/, '\\\\%') search_columns = options[:columns].map{|e| e.class == Symbol ? e : e[:attribute] }.compact condition_local = do |column_name| " ((text(#{column_name}) ILIKE '%#{condstr}%')) " end.compact.join(" OR ") condition_local = " ( #{condition_local} ) " unless condition_local.blank? end # We just need one conditions string for search at a time. Every time we input # something else in the search bar we will pop the previous search condition # string and push the new string. if condition_local != '' if add_search_option == false conditions << condition_local add_search_option = true else if conditions != [] conditions.pop conditions << condition_local end end else if add_search_option == true if conditions != [] conditions.pop add_search_option = false end end end if named_scope args = named_scope_args ? Array(self.send(named_scope_args)) : [] total_records = modelCls.send(named_scope, *args).count :conditions => init_conditions.join(" AND ") total_display_records = modelCls.send(named_scope, *args).count :conditions => conditions.join(" AND ") else total_records = modelCls.count :conditions => init_conditions.join(" AND ") total_display_records = modelCls.count :conditions => conditions.join(" AND ") end sort_column = params[:iSortCol_0].to_i current_page = (params[:iDisplayStart].to_i/params[:iDisplayLength].to_i rescue 0)+1 if named_scope objects = modelCls.send(named_scope, *args).paginate(:page => current_page, :order => "#{columns[sort_column][:name]} #{params[:sSortDir_0]}", :conditions => conditions.join(" AND "), :per_page => params[:iDisplayLength]) else objects = modelCls.paginate(:page => current_page, :order => "#{columns[sort_column][:name]} #{params[:sSortDir_0]}", :conditions => conditions.join(" AND "), :per_page => params[:iDisplayLength]) end"------conditions is #{conditions}") data = objects.collect do |instance| columns.collect { |column| datatables_instance_get_value(instance, column) } end render :text => {:iTotalRecords => total_records, :iTotalDisplayRecords => total_display_records, :aaData => data, :sEcho => params[:sEcho].to_i}.to_json # # ------- /Postgres ----------- # # end end end end private # # Takes a list of columns from options and transforms them # def options_to_columns(options) columns = [] options[:columns].each do |column| if column.kind_of? Symbol # a column from the database, we don't need to do anything columns << {:name => column, :attribute => column} elsif column.kind_of? Hash col_hash = { :name => column[:name], :special => column } col_hash[:attribute] = column[:attribute] if column[:attribute] columns << col_hash end end columns end def define_columns(cls, columns, action) define_method "datatable_#{action}_columns".to_sym do columnNames = {} columns.each do |column| columnName = '' if column[:method] or column[:eval] columnName << I18n.t(column[:name], :default => column[:name].to_s) else columnName << I18n.t(column[:name].to_sym, :default => column[:name].to_s) end columnName << ' *' unless column.has_key?(:attribute) columnNames[columnName] = column.has_key?(:attribute) ? true : false end columnNames end end end # gets the value for a column and row def datatables_instance_get_value(instance, column) if column[:special] special = column[:special] if special[:method] return method(special[:method].to_sym).call(instance) elsif special[:eval] proc = lambda { obj = instance; binding } return Kernel.eval(special[:eval], end elsif column[:attribute] val = instance.send(column[:attribute].to_sym) return I18n.t(val.to_s.to_sym, :default => val.to_s) if not val.blank? return '' end return "value not found" end def datatable_source(name) {:action => name, :attrs => method("datatable_#{name}_columns".to_sym).call} end end