module Fog module AWS class RDS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/rds/create_db_instance_read_replica' # create a read replica db instance # # ==== Parameters # * DBInstanceIdentifier <~String> - name of the db instance to create # * SourceDBInstanceIdentifier <~String> - name of the db instance that will be the source. Must have backup retention on # * AutoMinorVersionUpgrade <~Boolean> Indicates that minor version upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB Instance during the maintenance window # * AvailabilityZone <~String> The availability zone to create the instance in # * DBInstanceClass <~String> The new compute and memory capacity of the DB Instance # * Port <~Integer> The port number on which the database accepts connections. # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: def create_db_instance_read_replica(instance_identifier, source_identifier, options={}) request({ 'Action' => 'CreateDBInstanceReadReplica', 'DBInstanceIdentifier' => instance_identifier, 'SourceDBInstanceIdentifier' => source_identifier, :parser =>, }.merge(options)) end end class Mock def create_db_instance_read_replica(instance_identifier, source_identifier, options={}) # TODO: throw error when instance_identifier already exists, # or source_identifier doesn't exist source =[:servers][source_identifier] data = { 'AllocatedStorage' => source['AllocatedStorage'], 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' => options.key?('AutoMinorVersionUpgrade') ? options['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] : true, 'AvailabilityZone' => options['AvailabilityZone'], 'DBInstanceClass' => options['DBInstanceClass'] || 'db.m1.small', 'DBInstanceIdentifier' => instance_identifier, 'DBInstanceStatus' => 'creating', 'DBName' => source['DBName'], 'DBParameterGroups' => source['DBParameterGroups'], 'DBSecurityGroups' => source['DBSecurityGroups'], 'Endpoint' => {}, 'Engine' => source['Engine'], 'EngineVersion' => options['EngineVersion'] || '5.5.12', 'InstanceCreateTime' => nil, 'LatestRestorableTime' => nil, 'LicenseModel' => 'general-public-license', 'MasterUsername' => source['MasterUsername'], 'MultiAZ' => false, 'PendingModifiedValues' => {}, 'PreferredBackupWindow'=> '08:00-08:30', 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow'=> "mon:04:30-mon:05:00", 'ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers'=> [], 'ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier'=> source_identifier }[:servers][instance_identifier] = data[:servers][source_identifier]['ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers'] << instance_identifier response = response.body = { "ResponseMetadata"=>{ "RequestId"=> Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }, "CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaResult"=> {"DBInstance"=> data} } response.status = 200 # This values aren't showed at creating time but at available time[:servers][instance_identifier]["InstanceCreateTime"] = response end end end end end