require 'duration' require 'spanner' class TimeSpan class ParseError < StandardError; end attr_reader :start_time, :end_time, :seconds alias_method :start_date, :start_time alias_method :end_date, :end_time def initialize options = {} @is_new = true set_with_options options @is_new = false end def start_time= start_time @start_time = start_time refresh! end alias_method :start_date=, :start_time= def end_time= start_time @start_time = start_time refresh! end alias_method :end_date=, :end_time= def seconds= seconds @seconds = seconds refresh! end def duration @duration ||= end def duration= duration @duration = case duration when Duration duration when Integer, Hash duration when String begin Spanner.parse(duration.gsub /and/, '') rescue Exception => e raise ParseError, "Internal error: Spanner couldn't parse String '#{duration}'" end else raise ArgumentError, "the duration option must be set to any of: #{valid_duration_types}" end refresh! unless is_new? end def to_s if duration "TimeSpan: from #{start_time} lasting #{duration} = #{seconds} secs" if start_time "TimeSpan: from #{end_time} to #{duration} before = #{seconds} secs" if end_time return end if start_time && end_time "TimeSpan: #{start_time} to #{end_time} = #{seconds} secs" return end if seconds "TimeSpan: #{seconds} seconds" end end include Comparable def <=> time raise ArgumentError, "Not a valid argument for timespan comparison, was #{time}" unless valid_compare?(time) case time when TimeSpan millis <=> time.seconds when Time millis <=> time.to_i when Date, DateTime time.to_time.to_i when Integer millis <=> time end end alias_method :to_secs, :seconds alias_method :to_seconds, :seconds def to_milliseconds @to_seconds ||= (seconds * 1000.0).round end alias_method :to_mils, :to_milliseconds alias_method :millis, :to_mils alias_method :milliseconds, :to_mils def to_minutes @to_minutes ||= (to_seconds / 60.0).round end alias_method :to_m, :to_minutes alias_method :to_mins, :to_minutes alias_method :minutes, :to_minutes def to_hours @to_hours ||= (to_minutes / 60.0).round end alias_method :to_h, :to_hours alias_method :hrs, :to_hours alias_method :hours, :to_hours def to_days @to_days ||= (to_hours / 24.0).round end alias_method :to_d, :to_days alias_method :days, :to_days def to_weeks @to_weeks ||= (to_days / 7.0).round end alias_method :to_w, :to_weeks alias_method :weeks, :to_days def to_months @to_months ||= (to_days / 30.0).round end alias_method :to_mon, :to_months alias_method :months, :to_months def to_years @to_years ||= (to_days.to_f / 365.25).round end alias_method :to_y, :to_years alias_method :years, :to_years def to_decades @to_decades ||= (to_years / 10.0).round end alias_method :decades, :to_decades def to_centuries @to_centuries ||= (to_decades / 10.0).round end alias_method :centuries, :to_centuries def units %w{seconds minutes hours days weeks months years} end protected def set_with_options options = {} case options when Hash duration = options[:duration] @start_time = options[:from] || options[:start] @end_time = options[:to] || options[:end] when Integer, String duration = options else raise ArgumentError, "Timespan must take Hash or Integer, was: #{options}" end set_seconds options end def set_seconds options = nil set_seconds_opts(options) unless @duration if @end_time && @start_time @seconds ||= (@end_time - @start_time).to_i end else @seconds ||= end end def set_seconds_opts options = {} case options when Integer @seconds = options when Hash @seconds = options[:seconds] if options[:seconds] self.duration = options[:duration] if options[:duration] end end def is_new? @is_new end # reset all stored instance vars for units def refresh! units.each do |unit| var_name = :"@#{unit}" instance_variable_set var_name, nil end set_seconds end def valid_duration_types [Duration, String, Integer, Hash] end def valid_compare? time valid_compare_types.any? {|type| time.kind_of? type } end def valid_compare_types [TimeSpan, Time, Date, DateTime, Integer] end end