# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true class DynamicMixinCompiler extend T::Sig include Tapioca::Reflection sig { returns(T::Array[Module]) } attr_reader :dynamic_extends, :dynamic_includes sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) } attr_reader :class_attribute_readers, :class_attribute_writers, :class_attribute_predicates sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) } attr_reader :instance_attribute_readers, :instance_attribute_writers, :instance_attribute_predicates sig { params(constant: Module).void } def initialize(constant) @constant = constant mixins_from_modules = {}.compare_by_identity class_attribute_readers = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) class_attribute_writers = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) class_attribute_predicates = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) instance_attribute_readers = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) instance_attribute_writers = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) instance_attribute_predicates = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) Class.new do # Override the `self.include` method define_singleton_method(:include) do |mod| # Take a snapshot of the list of singleton class ancestors # before the actual include before = singleton_class.ancestors # Call the actual `include` method with the supplied module super(mod).tap do # Take a snapshot of the list of singleton class ancestors # after the actual include after = singleton_class.ancestors # The difference is the modules that are added to the list # of ancestors of the singleton class. Those are all the # modules that were `extend`ed due to the `include` call. # # We record those modules on our lookup table keyed by # the included module with the values being all the modules # that that module pulls into the singleton class. # # We need to reverse the order, since the extend order should # be the inverse of the ancestor order. That is, earlier # extended modules would be later in the ancestor chain. mixins_from_modules[mod] = (after - before).reverse! end rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # this is a best effort, bail if we can't perform this end define_singleton_method(:class_attribute) do |*attrs, **kwargs| class_attribute_readers.concat(attrs) class_attribute_writers.concat(attrs) instance_predicate = kwargs.fetch(:instance_predicate, true) instance_accessor = kwargs.fetch(:instance_accessor, true) instance_reader = kwargs.fetch(:instance_reader, instance_accessor) instance_writer = kwargs.fetch(:instance_writer, instance_accessor) if instance_reader instance_attribute_readers.concat(attrs) end if instance_writer instance_attribute_writers.concat(attrs) end if instance_predicate class_attribute_predicates.concat(attrs) if instance_reader instance_attribute_predicates.concat(attrs) end end super(*attrs, **kwargs) if defined?(super) end # rubocop:disable Style/MissingRespondToMissing T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(symbol: Symbol, args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def method_missing(symbol, *args) # We need this here so that we can handle any random instance # method calls on the fake including class that may be done by # the included module during the `self.included` hook. end class << self extend T::Sig T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(symbol: Symbol, args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def method_missing(symbol, *args) # Similarly, we need this here so that we can handle any # random class method calls on the fake including class # that may be done by the included module during the # `self.included` hook. end end # rubocop:enable Style/MissingRespondToMissing end.include(constant) # The value that corresponds to the original included constant # is the list of all dynamically extended modules because of that # constant. We grab that value by deleting the key for the original # constant. @dynamic_extends = T.let(mixins_from_modules.delete(constant) || [], T::Array[Module]) # Since we deleted the original constant from the list of keys, all # the keys that remain are the ones that are dynamically included modules # during the include of the original constant. @dynamic_includes = T.let(mixins_from_modules.keys, T::Array[Module]) @class_attribute_readers = T.let(class_attribute_readers, T::Array[Symbol]) @class_attribute_writers = T.let(class_attribute_writers, T::Array[Symbol]) @class_attribute_predicates = T.let(class_attribute_predicates, T::Array[Symbol]) @instance_attribute_readers = T.let(instance_attribute_readers, T::Array[Symbol]) @instance_attribute_writers = T.let(instance_attribute_writers, T::Array[Symbol]) @instance_attribute_predicates = T.let(instance_attribute_predicates, T::Array[Symbol]) end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def empty_attributes? @class_attribute_readers.empty? && @class_attribute_writers.empty? end sig { params(tree: RBI::Tree).void } def compile_class_attributes(tree) return if empty_attributes? # Create a synthetic module to hold the generated class methods tree << RBI::Module.new("GeneratedClassMethods") do |mod| class_attribute_readers.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new(attribute.to_s) end class_attribute_writers.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new("#{attribute}=") do |method| method << RBI::Param.new("value") end end class_attribute_predicates.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new("#{attribute}?") end end # Create a synthetic module to hold the generated instance methods tree << RBI::Module.new("GeneratedInstanceMethods") do |mod| instance_attribute_readers.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new(attribute.to_s) end instance_attribute_writers.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new("#{attribute}=") do |method| method << RBI::Param.new("value") end end instance_attribute_predicates.each do |attribute| mod << RBI::Method.new("#{attribute}?") end end # Add a mixes_in_class_methods and include for the generated modules tree << RBI::MixesInClassMethods.new("GeneratedClassMethods") tree << RBI::Include.new("GeneratedInstanceMethods") end sig { params(tree: RBI::Tree).returns([T::Array[Module], T::Array[Module]]) } def compile_mixes_in_class_methods(tree) includes = dynamic_includes.select { |mod| (name = name_of(mod)) && !name.start_with?("T::") } includes.each do |mod| qname = qualified_name_of(mod) tree << RBI::Include.new(T.must(qname)) end # If we can generate multiple mixes_in_class_methods, then we want to use all dynamic extends that are not the # constant itself mixed_in_class_methods = dynamic_extends.select { |mod| mod != @constant } return [[], []] if mixed_in_class_methods.empty? mixed_in_class_methods.each do |mod| qualified_name = qualified_name_of(mod) next if qualified_name.nil? || qualified_name.empty? tree << RBI::MixesInClassMethods.new(qualified_name) end [mixed_in_class_methods, includes] rescue [[], []] # silence errors end end