module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # Realex Development Gateway # # Because the Realex gateway does not have a separate :test environment, # we are unable to really work with it in a development environment. # # The Bogus gateway was my initial choice for testing, however it does not take valid card data as # giving successful responses therefore not enabling it to work if you have significant pre-validation # of card data. # # Realex also expects some extra parameters and therefore I thought it better to encapsulate them all # here in a working development gateway that will act like Realex in production. # class RealexDevelopmentGateway < Gateway AUTHORIZATION = '53433' SUCCESSFUL_CARD = '1111111111111111' FAILING_CARD = '2222222222222222' SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Forced success" FAILURE_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Forced failure" ERROR_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Use CreditCard number #{SUCCESSFUL_CARD} for success, #{FAILING_CARD} for exception and anything else for error" CREDIT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Use trans_id 1 for success, 2 for exception and anything else for error" UNSTORE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Use trans_id 1 for success, 2 for exception and anything else for error" CAPTURE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Use authorization number 1 for exception, 2 for error and anything else for success" VOID_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Realex Development Gateway: Use authorization number 1 for exception, 2 for error and anything else for success" self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'EUR' self.supported_cardtypes = [ :visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :switch, :solo, :laser ] self.supported_countries = [ 'IE', 'GB' ] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Realex Development' def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) case creditcard.number when SUCCESSFUL_CARD, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:authorized_amount => money.to_s, :pasref => '1234'}, :test => true, :authorization => AUTHORIZATION ) when FAILING_CARD, FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:authorized_amount => money.to_s, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE }, :test => true) else raise Error, ERROR_MESSAGE end end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) case creditcard.number when SUCCESSFUL_CARD, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s, :pasref => '1234'}, :test => true, :authorization => AUTHORIZATION) when FAILING_CARD, FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE },:test => true) else raise Error, ERROR_MESSAGE end end def credit(money, ident, options = {}) case ident when '1' raise Error, CREDIT_ERROR_MESSAGE when '2', FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE }, :test => true) else, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s, :orderid => '1234'}, :test => true) end end def capture(money, ident, options = {}) case ident when '1' raise Error, CAPTURE_ERROR_MESSAGE when '2', FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE }, :test => true) else, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:paid_amount => money.to_s}, :test => true) end end def void(ident, options = {}) case ident when '1' raise Error, VOID_ERROR_MESSAGE when '2', FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:authorization => ident, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE }, :test => true) else, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:authorization => ident}, :test => true) end end def store(creditcard, options = {}) case creditcard.number when SUCCESSFUL_CARD, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:billingid => '1'}, :test => true, :authorization => AUTHORIZATION ) when FAILING_CARD, FAILURE_MESSAGE, {:billingid => nil, :error => FAILURE_MESSAGE }, :test => true) else raise Error, ERROR_MESSAGE end end def unstore(creditcard, options = {}), SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:billingid => '1'}, :test => true, :authorization => AUTHORIZATION ) end def store_user(options = {}), SUCCESS_MESSAGE, {:billingid => '1'}, :test => true, :authorization => AUTHORIZATION ) end end end end