--- en: activemodel: attributes: debate: category_id: Category decidim_category_id: Category description: Description end_time: Ends at information_updates: Information updates instructions: Instructions to participate start_time: Starts at title: Title user_group_id: Create debate as models: decidim/debates/create_debate_event: Debate decidim/debates/creation_disabled_event: Debates disabled decidim/debates/creation_enabled_event: Debates enabled activerecord: models: decidim/debates/debate: one: Debate other: Debates decidim: components: debates: actions: create: Create name: Debates settings: global: announcement: Announcement comments_enabled: Comments enabled step: announcement: Announcement comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled: Debate creation by participants enabled debates: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure? destroy: Delete edit: Edit new: New %{name} title: Actions admin: debates: create: invalid: There was a problem creating the debate. success: Debate successfully created. destroy: success: Debate successfully deleted. edit: title: Edit debate update: Update debate index: title: Debates new: create: Create debate title: New debate update: invalid: There was a problem updating this debate. success: Debate successfully updated. models: debate: name: Debate admin_log: debate: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} debate on the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} debate on the %{space_name} space" debates: count: debates_count: one: "%{count} debate" other: "%{count} debates" create: invalid: There was a problem creating the debate. success: Debate successfully created. debate: participate: Participate filters: all: All category: Category category_prompt: Select a category citizens: Citizens official: Official origin: Origin search: Search filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold index: new_debate: New debate new: back: Back create: Create select_a_category: Please select a category title: New debate last_activity: new_debate_at_html: "<span>New debate at %{link}</span>" models: debate: fields: end_time: End date official_debate: Official debate start_time: Start date title: Title events: debates: create_debate_event: space_followers: email_intro: |- Hi, A new debate "%{resource_title}" has been created on the %{space_title} participatory space, check it out and contribute: email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the %{space_title} participatory space. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New debate "%{resource_title}" on %{space_title} notification_title: The <a href="%{resource_path}">%{resource_title}</a> debate was created on <a href="%{space_path}">%{space_title}</a>. user_followers: email_intro: |- Hi, %{author_name} %{author_nickname}, who you are following, has created a new debate "%{resource_title}". Check it out and contribute: email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{author_nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New debate "%{resource_title}" by %{author_nickname} notification_title: <a href="%{author_path}">%{author_name} %{author_nickname}</a> created the <a href="%{resource_path}">%{resource_title}</a> debate. creation_disabled: email_intro: 'Debate creation is no longer active in %{participatory_space_title}. You can still participate in open debates from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Debate creation disabled in %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: Debate creation is now disabled in <a href="%{participatory_space_url}">%{participatory_space_title}</a> creation_enabled: email_intro: 'You can now start new debates in %{participatory_space_title}! Start participating in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Debates now available in %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: You can now start <a href="%{resource_path}">new debates</a> in <a href="%{participatory_space_url}">%{participatory_space_title}</a> gamification: badges: commented_debates: conditions: - Choose an open debate to take part in description: This badge is granted when you actively participate in the different debates by leaving your comments. description_another: This participant has taken part in %{score} debates. description_own: You have participated in %{score} debates. name: Debates next_level_in: Participate in %{score} more debates to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant has not yet taken part in any debate. unearned_own: You haven't participated in any debates yet. metrics: debates: description: Number of debates created object: debates title: Debates