=begin Copyright (C) 2008 Rick (http://github.com/rubyredrick) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the ruby language itself, see the file COPYING for details. =end require 'date' require 'uri' require 'stringio' module Icalendar # This class is not yet fully functional.. # # Gem versions < used to return a string for the recurrence_rule component, # but now it returns this Icalendar::RRule class. ie It's not backwards compatible! # # To get the original RRULE value from a parsed feed, use the 'orig_value' property. # # Example: # rules = event.recurrence_rules.map{ |rule| rule.orig_value } class RRule < Icalendar::Base class Weekday def initialize(day, position) @day, @position = day, position @last = false end def to_s "#{@position}#{@day}#{ "," unless @last }" end def you_are_last() @last = true end end def initialize(name, params, value, parser) @value = value frequency_match = value.match(/FREQ=(SECONDLY|MINUTELY|HOURLY|DAILY|WEEKLY|MONTHLY|YEARLY)/) raise Icalendar::InvalidPropertyValue.new("FREQ must be specified for RRULE values") unless frequency_match @frequency = frequency_match[1] @until = parse_date_val("UNTIL", value) @count = parse_int_val("COUNT", value) raise Icalendar::InvalidPropertyValue.new("UNTIL and COUNT must not both be specified for RRULE values") if [@until, @count].compact.length > 1 @interval = parse_int_val("INTERVAL", value) @by_list = {:bysecond => parse_int_list("BYSECOND", value)} @by_list[:byminute] = parse_int_list("BYMINUTE",value) @by_list[:byhour] = parse_int_list("BYHOUR", value) @by_list[:byday] = parse_weekday_list("BYDAY", value) @by_list[:bymonthday] = parse_int_list("BYMONTHDAY", value) @by_list[:byyearday] = parse_int_list("BYYEARDAY", value) @by_list[:byweekno] = parse_int_list("BYWEEKNO", value) @by_list[:bymonth] = parse_int_list("BYMONTH", value) @by_list[:bysetpos] = parse_int_list("BYSETPOS", value) @wkst = parse_wkstart(value) end # Returns the original pre-parsed RRULE value. def orig_value @value end def to_ical result = ["FREQ=#{@frequency}"] result << ";UNTIL=#{@until.to_ical}" if @until result << ";COUNT=#{@count}" if @count result << ";INTERVAL=#{@interval}" if @interval @by_list.each do |key, value| result << ";#{key.to_s.upcase}=#{value}" if value end result << ";WKST=#{@wkst}" if @wkst result.join end def parse_date_val(name, string) match = string.match(/;#{name}=(.*?)(;|$)/) match ? DateTime.parse(match[1]) : nil end def parse_int_val(name, string) match = string.match(/;#{name}=(\d+)(;|$)/) match ? match[1].to_i : nil end def parse_int_list(name, string) match = string.match(/;#{name}=([+-]?.*?)(;|$)/) if match match[1].split(",").map {|int| int.to_i} else nil end end def parse_weekday_list(name, string) match = string.match(/;#{name}=(.*?)(;|$)/) if match return_array = match[1].split(",").map {|weekday| wd_match = weekday.match(/([+-]?\d*)(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)/) Weekday.new(wd_match[2], wd_match[1]) } return_array.last.you_are_last else nil end return_array end def parse_wkstart(string) match = string.match(/;WKST=(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)(;|$)/) if match match[1] else nil end end # TODO: Incomplete def occurrences_of_event_starting(event, datetime) initial_start = event.dtstart (0...@count).map {|day_offset| occurrence = event.clone occurrence.dtstart = initial_start + day_offset occurrence.clone } end end end