# Rmega
Pure ruby library for **MEGA** [https://mega.nz/](https://mega.nz/).
Works on Linux and OSX with Ruby 1.9.3+.
## Installation
gem install rmega
## Command line usage
Since version 0.2.0 you can use the commands `rmega-dl` and `rmega-up` to easily download and upload files to MEGA.
* Downloads are resumable
* HTTP proxy support
* See the CHANGELOG file for more info
*Pro tips:*
* Streaming: you can use a video player (e.g. VLC) to play videos while downloading them.
* Super privacy: you can use it combined with [torsocks](https://github.com/dgoulet/torsocks/) to download and upload files through the Tor network (very slow).
## DSL usage
### Login
require "rmega"
storage = Rmega.login("your@email.com", "your_password")
### Browsing
# Print the name of the files in the root folder
storage.root.files.each { |file| puts file.name }
# Print the number of files in each folder
storage.root.folders.each do |folder|
puts "Folder #{folder.name} contains #{folder.files.size} files."
# Print the name and the size of the files in the recyble bin
storage.trash.files.each { |file| puts "#{file.name} of #{file.size} bytes" }
# Print the name of all the files (everywhere)
storage.nodes.each do |node|
next unless node.type == :file
puts node.name
# Print all the nodes (files, folders, etc.) within a spefic folder
folder = storage.root.folders[12]
folder.children.each do |node|
puts "Node #{node.name} (#{node.type})"
### Searching
# Search for a file within a specific folder
folder = storage.root.folders[2]
folder.files.find { |file| file.name == "to_find.txt" }
# Search for a file everywhere
storage.nodes.find { |node| node.type == :file and node.name =~ /my_file/i }
# Note: A node can be of type :file, :folder, :root, :inbox and :trash
### Download
# Download a single file
file = storage.root.files.first
# => Download in progress 15.0MB of 15.0MB (100.0%)
# Download a folder and all its content recursively
folder = storage.nodes.find do |node|
node.type == :folder and node.name == 'my_folder'
# Download a file by url
public_url = 'https://mega.co.nz/#!MAkg2Iab!bc9Y2U6d93IlRRKVYpcC9hLZjS4G278OPdH6nTFPDNQ'
Rmega.download(public_url, '~/Downloads')
### Upload
# Upload a file to a specific folder
folder = storage.root.folders[3]
# Upload a file to the root folder
### Creating a folder
# Create a subfolder of the root folder
new_folder = storage.root.create_folder("my_documents")
# Create a subfolder of an existing folder
folder = storage.nodes.find do |node|
node.type == :folder and node.name == 'my_folder'
### Deleting
# Delete a folder
folder = storage.root.folders[4]
# Move a folder to the recyle bin
folder = storage.root.folders[4]
# Delete a file
file = storage.root.folders[3].files.find { |f| f.name =~ /document1/ }
# Move a file to the recyle bin
file = storage.root.files.last
# Empty the trash
unless storage.trash.empty?
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request