Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifeCycle

Uses of LifeCycle in org.cometd.oort

Classes in org.cometd.oort that implement LifeCycle
 class Oort
          Oort cluster of cometd servers.
 class OortComet
          Oort Comet client.
 class Seti
          The Search for Extra Terrestial Intelligence.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.cometd.client

Classes in org.mortbay.cometd.client that implement LifeCycle
 class BayeuxClient
          Bayeux protocol Client.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.component

Classes in org.mortbay.component that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractLifeCycle
          Basic implementation of the life cycle interface for components.

Methods in org.mortbay.component with parameters of type LifeCycle
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleFailure(LifeCycle event, Throwable cause)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStarting(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopping(LifeCycle event)

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class SelectorManager
          The Selector Manager manages and number of SelectSets to allow NIO scheduling to scale to large numbers of connections.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty

Subinterfaces of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty
 interface Connector
          HTTP Connector.
 interface Handler
 interface HandlerContainer
 interface RequestLog
          A RequestLog can be attached to a RequestLogHandler to enable logging of requests/responses.
 interface SessionIdManager
 interface SessionManager
          Session Manager.

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractBuffers
          Abstract Buffer pool.
 class AbstractConnector
          Abstract Connector implementation.
 class LocalConnector
 class NCSARequestLog
          This RequestLog implementation outputs logs in the pseudo-standard NCSA common log format.
 class ResourceCache
 class Server
          Jetty HTTP Servlet Server.

Methods in org.mortbay.jetty with parameters of type LifeCycle
 void Server.addLifeCycle(LifeCycle c)
          Add a LifeCycle object to be started/stopped along with the Server.
 void Server.removeLifeCycle(LifeCycle c)
          Remove a LifeCycle object to be started/stopped along with the Server

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.ajp

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.ajp that implement LifeCycle
 class Ajp13SocketConnector

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class SocketConnector
          Socket Connector.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.client

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.client that implement LifeCycle
 class HttpClient
          Http Client.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.deployer

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.deployer that implement LifeCycle
 class ContextDeployer
          Context Deployer This deployer scans a designated directory by ContextDeployer.setConfigurationDir(String) for the appearance/disappearance or changes to xml configuration files.
 class WebAppDeployer
          Web Application Deployer.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.example

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.example that implement LifeCycle
static class ManyContexts.HelloHandler
static class ManyHandlers.HelloHandler
static class ManyHandlers.ParamHandler
static class OneContext.HelloHandler
static class OneHandler.HelloHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.handler

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.handler that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractHandler
 class AbstractHandlerContainer
          Abstract Handler Container.
 class AbstractStatisticsHandler
 class AtomicStatisticsHandler
 class ContextHandler
 class ContextHandlerCollection
 class DebugHandler
          Debug Handler.
 class DefaultHandler
          Default Handler.
 class ErrorHandler
          Handler for Error pages A handler that is registered at the org.mortbay.http.ErrorHandler context attributed and called by the HttpResponse.sendError method to write a error page.
 class HandlerCollection
          A collection of handlers.
 class HandlerList
 class HandlerWrapper
          A HandlerWrapper acts as a Handler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate.
 class MovedContextHandler
          Moved ContextHandler.
 class RequestLogHandler
 class ResourceHandler
          Resource Handler.
 class RewriteHandler
          Path Rewrite Handler
 class StatisticsHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.nio

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.nio that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractNIOConnector
 class BlockingChannelConnector
          Blocking NIO connector.
 class InheritedChannelConnector
          An implementation of the SelectChannelConnector which first tries to inherit from a channel provided by the system.
 class SelectChannelConnector
          Selecting NIO connector.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.plugin

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.plugin that implement LifeCycle
 class Jetty6PluginWebAppContext

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class HashUserRealm
          HashMapped User Realm.
 class HTAccessHandler
          Handler to authenticate access using the Apache's .htaccess files.
 class JDBCUserRealm
          HashMapped User Realm with JDBC as data source.
 class SecurityHandler
          Handler to enforce SecurityConstraints.
 class SslSelectChannelConnector
 class SslSocketConnector
          JSSE Socket Listener.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.servlet

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.servlet that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractSessionIdManager
 class AbstractSessionManager
          An Abstract implementation of SessionManager.
 class Context
          Servlet Context.
 class ErrorPageErrorHandler
          Error Page Error Handler An ErrorHandler that maps exceptions and status codes to URIs for dispatch using the internal ERROR style of dispatch.
 class FilterHolder
 class HashSessionIdManager
 class HashSessionManager
          An in-memory implementation of SessionManager.
 class Holder
 class ServletHandler
          Servlet HttpHandler.
 class ServletHolder
          Servlet Instance and Context Holder.
 class SessionHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.webapp

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.webapp that implement LifeCycle
 class WebAppContext
          Web Application Context Handler.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.win32service

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.win32service that implement LifeCycle
 class Win32Service

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.jetty.xbean

Classes in org.mortbay.jetty.xbean that implement LifeCycle
 class JettyFactoryBean
          Creates an instance of Jetty inside an XBean configuration file

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.setuid

Classes in org.mortbay.setuid that implement LifeCycle
 class SetUIDServer
          This extension of Server will make a JNI call to set the unix UID.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.terracotta.servlet

Classes in org.mortbay.terracotta.servlet that implement LifeCycle
 class TerracottaSessionHandler
          A specific subclass of SessionHandler that sets a contract between this class and TerracottaSessionManager.
 class TerracottaSessionIdManager
          A specialized SessionIdManager to be used with Terracotta.
 class TerracottaSessionManager
          A specialized SessionManager to be used with Terracotta.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.thread

Classes in org.mortbay.thread that implement LifeCycle
 class BoundedThreadPool
          Deprecated. Use QueuedThreadPool
 class QueuedThreadPool
          A pool of threads.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.thread.concurrent

Classes in org.mortbay.thread.concurrent that implement LifeCycle
 class ThreadPool
          Jetty ThreadPool using java 5 ThreadPoolExecutor This class wraps a ThreadPoolExecutor with the ThreadPool and LifeCycle interfaces so that it may be used by the Jetty Server

Uses of LifeCycle in org.mortbay.util

Classes in org.mortbay.util that implement LifeCycle
 class IO
          IO Utilities.

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