module Hashme # Special property casting for reveiving data from sources without Ruby types, such as query # parameters from an API or JSON documents. # # Most of this code is stolen from CouchRest Model typecasting, with a few simplifications. module PropertyCasting extend self CASTABLE_TYPES = [String, Symbol, TrueClass, Integer, Float, BigDecimal, DateTime, Time, Date, Class] # Automatically typecast the provided value into an instance of the provided type. def cast(property, owner, value) return nil if value.nil? type = property.type if value.instance_of?(type) || type == Object value elsif CASTABLE_TYPES.include?(type) send('typecast_to_'+type.to_s.downcase, value) else # Complex objects we don't know how to cast do |obj| obj.casted_by = owner if obj.respond_to?(:casted_by=) obj.casted_by_property = property if obj.respond_to?(:casted_by_property=) end end end protected # Typecast a value to an Integer def typecast_to_integer(value) typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_i) end # Typecast a value to a BigDecimal def typecast_to_bigdecimal(value) typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_d) end # Typecast a value to a Float def typecast_to_float(value) typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_f) end # Convert some kind of object to a number that of the type # provided. # # When a string is provided, It'll attempt to filter out # region specific details such as commas instead of points # for decimal places, text units, and anything else that is # not a number and a human could make out. # # Esentially, the aim is to provide some kind of sanitary # conversion from values in incoming http forms. # # If what we get makes no sense at all, nil it. def typecast_to_numeric(value, method) if value.is_a?(String) value = value.strip.gsub(/,/, '.').gsub(/[^\d\-\.]/, '').gsub(/\.(?!\d*\Z)/, '') value.empty? ? nil : value.send(method) elsif value.respond_to?(method) value.send(method) else nil end end # Typecast a value to a String def typecast_to_string(value) value.to_s end def typecast_to_symbol(value) value.is_a?(Symbol) || !value.to_s.empty? ? value.to_sym : nil end # Typecast a value to a true or false def typecast_to_trueclass(value) if value.kind_of?(Integer) return true if value == 1 return false if value == 0 elsif value.respond_to?(:to_s) return true if %w[ true 1 t ].include?(value.to_s.downcase) return false if %w[ false 0 f ].include?(value.to_s.downcase) end nil end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a DateTime. # Handles both Hashes and DateTime instances. # This is slow!! Use Time instead. def typecast_to_datetime(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) typecast_hash_to_datetime(value) else DateTime.parse(value.to_s) end rescue ArgumentError nil end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a Date # Handles both Hashes and Date instances. def typecast_to_date(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) typecast_hash_to_date(value) elsif value.is_a?(Time) # sometimes people think date is time! value.to_date elsif value.to_s =~ /(\d{4})[\-|\/](\d{2})[\-|\/](\d{2})/ # Faster than parsing the date$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i) else Date.parse(value) end rescue ArgumentError nil end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a Time # Handles both Hashes and Time instances. def typecast_to_time(value) case value when Float # JSON oj already parses Time, FTW. when Hash typecast_hash_to_time(value) else typecast_iso8601_string_to_time(value.to_s) end rescue ArgumentError nil rescue TypeError nil end def typecast_iso8601_string_to_time(string) if (string =~ /(\d{4})[\-\/](\d{2})[\-\/](\d{2})[T\s](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(\.\d+)?)(Z| ?([\+\s\-])?(\d{2}):?(\d{2}))?/) # $1 = year # $2 = month # $3 = day # $4 = hours # $5 = minutes # $6 = seconds (with $7 for fraction) # $8 = UTC or Timezone # $9 = time zone direction # $10 = tz difference hours # $11 = tz difference minutes if $8 == 'Z' || $8.to_s.empty? Time.utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_r) else$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_r, "#{$9 == '-' ? '-' : '+'}#{$10}:#{$11}") end else Time.parse(string) end end # Creates a DateTime instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day, # :hour, :min, :sec def typecast_hash_to_datetime(value)*extract_time(value)) end # Creates a Date instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day def typecast_hash_to_date(value)*extract_time(value)[0, 3].map(&:to_i)) end # Creates a Time instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day, # :hour, :min, :sec def typecast_hash_to_time(value) Time.utc(*extract_time(value)) end # Extracts the given args from the hash. If a value does not exist, it # uses the value of def extract_time(value) now = [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec].map do |segment| typecast_to_numeric(value.fetch(segment, now.send(segment)), :to_i) end end # Typecast a value to a Class def typecast_to_class(value) value.to_s.constantize rescue NameError nil end end end