Author:: Wen-Tien Chang( Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Handlino Inc. Licensed under the MIT: = Description = FaceboxRender plugin let you use lightbox seamlessly using Facebox library. = Install = * gem install facebox-render * cd /your_rails_app/vendor/plugin/ * gem unpack facebox-render = USAGE = You must install Facebox first(see 1.Download jQuery (or you can try to install to replace Prototype library totally) 2.Download facebox 3.Copy facebox js file to /public/javascripts/ 4.Copy facebox css file to /public/styleshees/ 5.Copy facebox all image files to /public/facebox/ 6.Config your layout (stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag) to add these js,css files == Helper == We have facebox_link_to helper (it's will launch loading facebox first, send ajax request second) or you can use link_to_remote, form_remote_tag...etc Ajax helper. Don't use == Controller == Add "include FaceboxRender" to your controller, or simply put it at /app/controllers/application.rb Then in your action: respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { render_to_facebox } end By Default render the html without layout, otherwise you can pass options[:template], options[:action], options[:partial] or options[:html] string. Passing options[:msg] will pulsate a message. If block given, it will yield after facebox script, eg: render_to_facebox do |page| page << "alert('test')" end Besides render_facebox, we have close_facebox, redirect_from_facebox. respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { close_facebox } end