Version # | Modified at | Modified by | Action | Changes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<%%= version.index %> | <%%= version.created_at.to_s(:db) %> | <%% unless version.whodunnit.to_i == 0 %> <%%= User.find(version.whodunnit.to_i).name %> <%% else %> <%%= version.whodunnit || 'N/A' %> <%% end%> | <%%= version.event.humanize %> |
<%% if version.event == 'create'%>
Initial Create
<%% else %>
<%% unless %>
<%% version.reify.diff( do |t| %>
<%% unless t.first == :updated_at %>
"<%%= t.first.to_s.humanize %>" was changed from "<%%= t.last.first.to_s rescue '' %>" to "<%%= t.last.last.to_s rescue '' %>" <%% end %> <%% end rescue 'Undetermined Changes'%> <%% else %> <%% version.reify.diff(obj).each do |t| %> <%% unless t.first == :updated_at %>"<%%= t.first.to_s.humanize %>" was changed from "<%%= t.last.first.to_s rescue '' %>" to "<%%= t.last.last.to_s rescue '' %>" <%% end %> <%% end rescue 'Undetermined Changes'%> <%% end %> <%% end %> |
<%%=t :no_data_available%> |