# Mock server to accept requests and return known responses based on request content # # influenced by: http://dynamicorange.com/2009/02/18/ruby-mock-web-server require 'openssl' unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) require 'ostruct' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'rack' require 'thread' module HTTParrot class Server attr_accessor :options def initialize(opts={}) @server_started = @server = nil @server_thread = nil @secure_started = @secure_server = nil @secure_thread = nil @parent_thread = Thread.current @options = { :Port => 4000, :Host => "" }.merge(HTTParrot::Config.config).merge(opts) quiet_options = { :Logger => WEBrick::Log::new("/dev/null", 7), :AccessLog => [] } @options.merge!(quiet_options) unless HTTParrot::Config.verbose self.clear! end def clear! blank_handler = { :get => [], :post => [], :head => [], :delete => [] } # Using Marshal for deep copy purposes # slow from an efficiency perspective, but #clear! # is not called frequently and this gem is for testing @call_handlers = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(blank_handler)) @regex_handlers = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(blank_handler)) @endpoint_handlers = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(blank_handler)) @complex_handlers = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(blank_handler)) self end def reset_counts [@call_handlers, @regex_handlers, @endpoint_handlers, @complex_handlers].each do |handler_type| handler_type.each_key do |req_meth| handler_type[req_meth].each { |handler| handler.response_count = 0 } end end end def call(env) req = Rack::Request.new(env) response = respond_with(env) # TODO move this to WEBrick's builtin logging facilities if ENV["PARROT_VERBOSE"] || HTTParrot::Config.verbose puts "\n>>>>> REQUEST\n" puts req.inspect #puts req.body.string puts "\n<<<<< RESPONSE\n" puts response.inspect #response[2].each{ |l| puts l } end return response rescue Exception => e # reraise the exception in the parent thread if it Errors out @parent_thread.raise e end def register(http_method, method_key, response, call_with_env = false) http_method = http_method.to_s.downcase.to_sym raise "http_method in register must be one of [:get, :post, :head, :delete] : #{http_method}" if ![:get, :post, :head, :delete].include?(http_method) response_handler = OpenStruct.new({ :method_key => method_key, :response => response, :env? => call_with_env, :response_count => 0 }) case when method_key.respond_to?(:call) then @call_handlers[http_method] << response_handler when method_key.is_a?(Regexp) then @regex_handlers[http_method] << response_handler when method_key.is_a?(String) then @endpoint_handlers[http_method] << response_handler when method_key.is_a?(Array) then @complex_handlers[http_method] << response_handler else raise "method_key (Handler) must be callable, Regexp, Array, or String" end return response_handler end def start(startup_interval = 1) start_server start_secure_server if options[:ssl] sleep startup_interval # Ensure the server has time to startup sleep startup_interval if !running? # Give it a little more time if they didn't start end def running? secure_run_running = options[:ssl] ? (!@secure_server.nil? && @secure_started) : true @server_started && !@server.nil? && secure_run_running end alias_method :started?, :running? def stop(shutdown_interval = 0) @server.shutdown if @server.respond_to?(:shutdown) @secure_server.shutdown if @secure_server.respond_to?(:shutdown) sleep shutdown_interval Thread.kill(@server_thread) if !@server_thread.nil? Thread.kill(@secure_thread) if !@secure_thread.nil? @server_started = @server = nil @secure_started = @secure_server = nil end private # Increment the number of times a handler was used (for asserting usage) def increment_return(handler) handler.response_count = handler.response_count + 1 return handler.response end def call_handler_match?(call_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) call_arg = (call_handler.env? ? env : request_body) return call_handler.method_key.call(call_arg) end def complex_handler_match?(complex_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) complex_handler.method_key.inject(true) do |matching, handler| current_handler_match = false if matching current_handler = OpenStruct.new({ :env? => complex_handler.env?, :method_key => handler }) case when handler.respond_to?(:call) then current_handler_match = call_handler_match?(current_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) when handler.is_a?(Regexp) then current_handler_match = regex_handler_match?(current_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) when handler.is_a?(String) then current_handler_match = endpoint_handler_match?(current_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) end end matching && current_handler_match end end def endpoint_handler_match?(endpoint_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) return request.path_info =~ /#{endpoint_handler.method_key}/i end def regex_handler_match?(regex_handler, env, request, request_method, request_body) return regex_handler.method_key =~ request_body end def respond_with(env) req = Rack::Request.new(env) req_meth = req.request_method.downcase.to_sym request_body = req.body.string @complex_handlers[req_meth].each do |com_handler| return increment_return(com_handler) if complex_handler_match?(com_handler, env, req, req_meth, request_body) end @call_handlers[req_meth].each do |call_handler| return increment_return(call_handler) if call_handler_match?(call_handler, env, req, req_meth, request_body) end @regex_handlers[req_meth].each do |reg_handler| return increment_return(reg_handler) if regex_handler_match?(reg_handler, env, req, req_meth, request_body) end @endpoint_handlers[req_meth].each do |end_handler| return increment_return(end_handler) if endpoint_handler_match?(end_handler, env, req, req_meth, request_body) end return no_mock_error(req_meth) end def no_mock_error(request_method) error_message = "No matched request handlers for: #{request_method}" [404, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => error_message.size.to_s }, [error_message]] end def start_server if @server_thread.nil? || !@server_thread.alive? @server_thread = Thread.new(self, @options) do |server, options| Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(server, options) { |s| @server = s } end trap(:INT){ @server_thread.terminate; @server_thread = nil } @server_started = true end end def start_secure_server if @secure_thread.nil? || !@secure_thread.alive? @secure_thread = Thread.new(self, @options) do |server, options| options = options.merge(:Port => options[:SSLPort], :SSLEnable => true, :SSLVerifyClient => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE, :SSLCertificate => ssl_cert, :SSLPrivateKey => ssl_key, :SSLCertName => [[ "CN", "" ]]) Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(server, options) { |s| @secure_server = s } end trap(:INT){ @secure_thread.terminate; @secure_thread = nil } @secure_started = true end end def ssl_key OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/ssl/" + "server.key"), "httparrot") end def ssl_cert OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/ssl/" + "server.crt")) end end end