require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper])) require JsdocHelper.path(%w(features support file_helper)) require 'fileutils' describe FileHelper do include FileHelper ::Spec::Matchers.define :exist_in do |fh| match do |file_name| fh.file_exist?(file_name) end failure_message_for_should do |file_name| "'#{file_name}' does not exist in a file in '#{fh.working_dir}'" end end before do FileUtils.rm_rf working_dir FileUtils.mkdir working_dir end it "should have a working directory" do working_dir.should == JsdocHelper.path(%w(test tmp)) end it "should return a path to a file in the working directory" do path('test').should == File.expand_path(JsdocHelper.path(%w(test tmp test))) end it "should create a file" do File.exist?(JsdocHelper.path(%w(test tmp test.file))).should be_false create_file('test.file') File.exist?(JsdocHelper.path(%w(test tmp test.file))).should be_true end it "should create a directory" do'lib')).should be_false create_dir('lib')'lib')).should be_true end it "should create a file with content" do create_file('test.txt', 'hi there this is content')'test.txt')).should == "hi there this is content" end it "should run a command and store the stdout, stderr, and last exit code" do run('echo pandas') last_stdout.should =~ /^pandas\n$/m last_stderr.should be_empty run('echo panda error 1>&2') last_stdout.should be_empty last_stderr.should =~ /^panda error\n$/m last_exit_status.should be(0) run('echo panda exits 1>&2; exit 1') last_stdout.should be_empty last_stderr.should =~ /^panda exits\n$/m last_exit_status.should be(1) end it "should detect if a file exists" do 'lib'.should_not exist_in(self) 'lib/test.file'.should_not exist_in(self) 'otherfile.txt'.should_not exist_in(self) create_dir('lib') create_file('lib/test.file') create_file('otherfile.txt') 'lib'.should exist_in(self) 'lib/test.file'.should exist_in(self) 'otherfile.txt'.should exist_in(self) 'notafile.txt'.should_not exist_in(self) 'lib/stillnotafile.txt'.should_not exist_in(self) end it "should produce a src prefix for documentation" do doc_src_prefix.should =~ /^_Users_petegadomski_Developer_jsdoc_helper_test_tmp$/ end it "should return a nice file list" do create_file('test1.js') create_file('test2.js') create_dir('lib') create_file('lib/test3.js') file_list.join(' ').should == "lib lib/test3.js test1.js test2.js" end end