module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Assertions # Asserts that two arrays contain the same elements, the same number of times. Essentially ==, but unordered. # # assert_same_elements([:a, :b, :c], [:c, :a, :b]) => passes def assert_same_elements(a1, a2, msg = nil) [:select, :inject, :size].each do |m| [a1, a2].each {|a| assert_respond_to(a, m, "Are you sure that #{a.inspect} is an array? It doesn't respond to #{m}.") } end assert a1h = a1.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] = { |i| i == e }.size; h } assert a2h = a2.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] = { |i| i == e }.size; h } assert_equal(a1h, a2h, msg) end # Asserts that the given collection contains item x. If x is a regular expression, ensure that # at least one element from the collection matches x. +extra_msg+ is appended to the error message if the assertion fails. # # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /\d/) => passes # assert_contains(['a', '1'], 'a') => passes # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /not there/) => fails def assert_contains(collection, x, extra_msg = "") collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array) msg = "#{x.inspect} not found in #{collection.to_a.inspect} #{extra_msg}" case x when Regexp assert(collection.detect { |e| e =~ x }, msg) else assert(collection.include?(x), msg) end end # Asserts that the given collection does not contain item x. If x is a regular expression, ensure that # none of the elements from the collection match x. def assert_does_not_contain(collection, x, extra_msg = "") collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array) msg = "#{x.inspect} found in #{collection.to_a.inspect} " + extra_msg case x when Regexp assert(!collection.detect { |e| e =~ x }, msg) else assert(!collection.include?(x), msg) end end # Asserts that the given matcher returns true when +target+ is passed to #matches? def assert_accepts(matcher, target) success = matcher.matches?(target) assert_block(matcher.failure_message) { success } end # Asserts that the given matcher returns false when +target+ is passed to #matches? def assert_rejects(matcher, target) success = !matcher.matches?(target) assert_block(matcher.negative_failure_message) { success } end end end