Feature: Timezone override I want a different timezone Background: Given I am in the "rails" project folder When I run local executable "ey-recipes" with arguments "init" Scenario: Set the timezone I want When I run local executable "ey-recipes" with arguments "timezone Australia/Tasmania" Then file "cookbooks/timezone-override/recipes/default.rb" contains """ # # Cookbook Name:: timezone-override # Recipe:: default # # Note that this is for the Australia/Tasmania timezone. Look in # /usr/share/zoneinfo for your relevant file. service "vixie-cron" service "sysklogd" service "nginx" link "/etc/localtime" do to "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Tasmania" notifies :restart, resources(:service => ["vixie-cron", "sysklogd", "nginx"]), :delayed not_if "readlink /etc/localtime | grep -q 'Australia/Tasmania$'" end """ And file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" contains "require_recipe 'timezone-override'" And I should see exactly """ exist cookbooks create cookbooks/timezone-override/recipes/default.rb append cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb """ Scenario: Cannot set an invalid timezone When I run local executable "ey-recipes" with arguments "timezone XXXX" And file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" does not contain "require_recipe 'timezone-override'" And I should see exactly """ ERROR: XXXX is not a known timezone. """