require "isodoc" require "metanorma-iso" module IsoDoc module JIS class Metadata < IsoDoc::Iso::Metadata def title(isoxml, _out) lang = case @lang when "ja", "en" then @lang else "ja" end # intro, main, part, amd = title_parts(isoxml, lang) tp = title_parts(isoxml, lang) tn = title_nums(isoxml) set(:doctitlemain, @c.encode(tp[:main] ? tp[:main].text : "", :hexadecimal)) main = compose_title(tp, tn, lang) set(:doctitle, main) tp[:intro] and set(:doctitleintro, @c.encode(tp[:intro] ? tp[:intro].text : "", :hexadecimal)) set(:doctitlepartlabel, part_prefix(tn, lang)) set(:doctitlepart, @c.encode(tp[:part].text, :hexadecimal)) if tp[:part] set(:doctitleamdlabel, amd_prefix(tn, lang)) if tn[:amd] set(:doctitleamd, @c.encode(tp[:amd].text, :hexadecimal)) if tp[:amd] set(:doctitlecorrlabel, corr_prefix(tn, lang)) if tn[:corr] end def subtitle(isoxml, _out) lang = @lang == "ja" ? "en" : "ja" tp = title_parts(isoxml, lang) tn = title_nums(isoxml) set(:docsubtitlemain, @c.encode(tp[:main] ? tp[:main].text : "", :hexadecimal)) main = compose_title(tp, tn, lang) set(:docsubtitle, main) tp[:intro] and set(:docsubtitleintro, @c.encode(tp[:intro] ? tp[:intro].text : "", :hexadecimal)) set(:docsubtitlepartlabel, part_prefix(tn, lang)) tp[:part] and set(:docsubtitlepart, @c.encode(tp[:part].text, :hexadecimal)) set(:docsubtitleamdlabel, amd_prefix(tn, lang)) if tn[:amd] set(:docsubtitleamd, @c.encode(tp[:amd].text, :hexadecimal)) if tp[:amd] set(:docsubtitlecorrlabel, corr_prefix(tn, lang)) if tn[:corr] end PART_LABEL = { en: "Part", ja: "その" }.freeze def docid(isoxml, _out) id ="//bibdata/docidentifier[@type = 'JIS']"))&.text or return set(:docnumber, id) set(:docnumber_undated, id.sub(/:\d{4}$/, "")) end end end end