# Space2underscore ![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/space2underscore.svg) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sachin21/space2underscore.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sachin21/space2underscore) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/sachin21/space2underscore/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/sachin21/space2underscore) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/sachin21/space2underscore/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github)](https://coveralls.io/github/sachin21/space2underscore?branch=master) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/space2underscore.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/space2underscore) ## What is space2underscore Change the space into underscore. space2underscore is a useful command when you want to check out a branch. ## Installation Install it yourself as: ``` $ gem install space2underscore ``` ## Usage From the command line: ### 1. e.g. Create the new branch ``` $ s2u new branch -c => Switched to a new branch 'new_branch’ ``` Run with `--create` or `-c` options. ### 2. e.g. Rename the already created a branch ``` $ git branch -m $(s2u renamed branch) ``` ## !! Cation !! This is a command line tool. So DO NOT include all modules because it uses `system` command. So crackers will be attacking your application. ## Credits - Help information based on [@motemen's ghq](https://github.com/motemen/ghq) - Installed information based on [Tmuxinator](https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request