@locale_manipulation Feature: Internationalization ActiveAdmin should use the translations provided by the host app. Scenario: Store's model name was translated to "Bookstore" Given I am logged in And a store named "Hello words" exists When I go to the dashboard Then I should see "Bookstores" When I follow "Bookstores" Then I should see the page title "Bookstores" And I should see "Hello words" When I follow "View" Then I should see "Bookstore Details" And I should see "Hello words" And I should see a link to "Delete Bookstore" When I follow "Edit Bookstore" Then I should see "Edit Bookstore" When I press "Update Bookstore" Then I should see a flash with "Bookstore was successfully updated." Scenario: Switching language at runtime Given I am logged in When I set my locale to "fr" And I go to the dashboard Then I should see "Store" And I should see "Déconnexion" When I set my locale to "en" And I go to the dashboard Then I should see "Bookstore" And I should see "Logout" Scenario: Overriding translations Given I am logged in And a store named "Hello words" exists When I go to the dashboard And I follow "Bookstores" Then I should see "Download this:" Scenario: Overriding resource details table title Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ And String "Post detailed information" corresponds to "resources.post.details" And I am logged in And a post exists When I go to the last post's show page Then I should see "Post detailed information"