module ActiveScaffold module Helpers # All extra helpers that should be included in the View. # Also a dumping ground for uncategorized helpers. module ViewHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::IdHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::AssociationHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::PaginationHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::ListColumnHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::ShowColumnHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::FormColumnHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::SearchColumnHelpers include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::HumanConditionHelpers ## ## Delegates ## # access to the configuration variable def active_scaffold_config controller.class.active_scaffold_config end def active_scaffold_config_for(*args) controller.class.active_scaffold_config_for(*args) end def active_scaffold_controller_for(*args) controller.class.active_scaffold_controller_for(*args) end ## ## Uncategorized ## def controller_path_for_activerecord(klass) begin controller = active_scaffold_controller_for(klass) controller.controller_path rescue ActiveScaffold::ControllerNotFound controller = nil end end # This is the template finder logic, keep it updated with however we find stuff in rails # currently this very similar to the logic in ActionBase::Base.render for options file def template_exists?(template_name, partial = false) lookup_context.exists? template_name, '', partial end def generate_temporary_id (*1000).to_i.to_s end # Turns [[label, value]] into <option> tags # Takes optional parameter of :include_blank def option_tags_for(select_options, options = {}) select_options.insert(0,[as_(:_select_),nil]) if options[:include_blank] select_options.collect do |option| label, value = option[0], option[1] value.nil? ? "<option value="">#{label}</option>" : "<option value=\"#{value}\">#{label}</option>" end end # Should this column be displayed in the subform? def in_subform?(column, parent_record) return true unless column.association # Polymorphic associations can't appear because they *might* be the reverse association, and because you generally don't assign an association from the polymorphic side ... I think. return false if column.polymorphic_association? # A column shouldn't be in the subform if it's the reverse association to the parent return false if column.association.inverse_for?(parent_record.class) return true end def form_remote_upload_tag(url_for_options = {}, options = {}) options[:target] = action_iframe_id(url_for_options) options[:multipart] ||= true options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} as_remote_upload".strip output="" output << form_tag(url_for_options, options) (output << "<iframe id='#{action_iframe_id(url_for_options)}' name='#{action_iframe_id(url_for_options)}' style='display:none'></iframe>").html_safe end # a general-use loading indicator (the "stuff is happening, please wait" feedback) def loading_indicator_tag(options) image_tag "indicator.gif", :style => "visibility:hidden;", :id => loading_indicator_id(options), :alt => "loading indicator", :class => "loading-indicator" end # Creates a javascript-based link that toggles the visibility of some element on the page. # By default, it toggles the visibility of the sibling after the one it's nested in. You may pass custom javascript logic in options[:of] to change that, though. For example, you could say :of => '$("my_div_id")'. # You may also flag whether the other element is visible by default or not, and the initial text will adjust accordingly. def link_to_visibility_toggle(id, options = {}) options[:default_visible] = true if options[:default_visible].nil? options[:hide_label] = as_(:hide) options[:show_label] = as_(:show) javascript_tag("ActiveScaffold.create_visibility_toggle('#{id}', #{options.to_json});") end def skip_action_link(link, *args) (!link.ignore_method.nil? && controller.respond_to?(link.ignore_method) && controller.send(link.ignore_method, *args)) || ((link.security_method_set? or controller.respond_to? link.security_method) and !controller.send(link.security_method, *args)) end def render_action_link(link, url_options, record = nil, html_options = {}) url_options = action_link_url_options(link, url_options, record) html_options = action_link_html_options(link, url_options, record, html_options) action_link_html(link, url_options, html_options, record) end def render_group_action_link(link, url_options, options, record = nil) if link.type == :member && !options[:authorized] action_link_html(link, nil, {:class => "disabled #{link.action}#{link.html_options[:class].blank? ? '' : (' ' + link.html_options[:class])}"}, record) else render_action_link(link, url_options, record) end end def action_link_url_options(link, url_options, record, options = {}) url_options = url_options.clone url_options[:action] = link.action url_options[:controller] = link.controller.to_s if link.controller url_options.delete(:search) if link.controller and link.controller.to_s != params[:controller] url_options.merge! link.parameters if link.parameters @link_record = record url_options.merge! self.instance_eval(&(link.dynamic_parameters)) if link.dynamic_parameters.is_a?(Proc) @link_record = nil url_options_for_nested_link(link.column, record, link, url_options, options) if link.nested_link? url_options_for_sti_link(link.column, record, link, url_options, options) unless record.nil? || active_scaffold_config.sti_children.nil? url_options[:_method] = link.method if !link.confirm? && link.inline? && link.method != :get url_options end def action_link_html_options(link, url_options, record, html_options) link_id = get_action_link_id(url_options, record, link.column) html_options.reverse_merge! link.html_options.merge(:class => link.action.to_s) # Needs to be in html_options to as the adding _method to the url is no longer supported by Rails html_options[:method] = link.method if link.method != :get html_options[:class] += ' as_action' if link.inline? html_options[:data] = {} html_options[:data][:confirm] = link.confirm(record.try(:to_label)) if link.confirm? html_options[:data][:position] = link.position if link.position and link.inline? html_options[:data][:action] = link.action if link.inline? if link.popup? html_options[:data][:popup] = true html_options[:target] = '_blank' end html_options[:id] = link_id html_options[:remote] = true unless || link.popup? if link.dhtml_confirm? html_options[:class] += ' as_action' if !link.inline? html_options[:page_link] = 'true' if !link.inline? html_options[:dhtml_confirm] = link.dhtml_confirm.value html_options[:onclick] = link.dhtml_confirm.onclick_function(controller, link_id) end html_options[:class] += " #{link.html_options[:class]}" unless link.html_options[:class].blank? html_options end def get_action_link_id(url_options, record = nil, column = nil) id = url_options[:id] || url_options[:parent_id] id = "#{}-#{}" if column && column.plural_association? if record.try( id = "#{}-#{record.send(}-#{}" else id = "#{}-#{}" unless record.nil? end if column && column.singular_association? id = "#{id}-#{url_options[:batch_scope].downcase}" if url_options[:batch_scope] action_id = "#{id_from_controller(url_options[:controller]) + '-' if url_options[:parent_controller]}#{url_options[:action].to_s}" action_link_id(action_id, id) end def action_link_html(link, url, html_options, record) # issue 260, use url_options[:link] if it exists. This prevents DB data from being localized. label = url.delete(:link) if url.is_a?(Hash) label ||= link.label if link.image.nil? html = link_to(label, url, html_options) else html = link_to(image_tag(link.image[:name] , :size => link.image[:size], :alt => label), url, html_options) end # if url is nil we would like to generate an anchor without href attribute url.nil? ? html.sub(/href=".*?"/, '').html_safe : html.html_safe end def url_options_for_nested_link(column, record, link, url_options, options = {}) if column && column.association url_options[] = url_options.delete(:id) url_options[:id] = record.send( if column.singular_association? && record.send( elsif link.parameters && link.parameters[:named_scope] index = url_options[:parent_scaffold] ? url_options[:parent_scaffold].camelize.singularize.foreign_key.to_sym : :assoc_id url_options[index] = url_options.delete(:id) end end def url_options_for_sti_link(column, record, link, url_options, options = {}) #need to find out controller of current record type #and set parameters # its quite difficult to detect an sti link # if link.column.nil? we are sure that it is nt an singular association inline autolink # howver that will not work if a sti parent is an singular association inline autolink if link.column.nil? sti_controller_path = controller_path_for_activerecord(record.class) if sti_controller_path url_options[:controller] = sti_controller_path url_options[:parent_sti] = controller_path end end end def column_class(column, column_value, record) classes = [] classes << "#{}-column" if column.css_class.is_a?(Proc) css_class =, record) classes << css_class unless css_class.nil? else classes << column.css_class end unless column.css_class.nil? classes << 'empty' if column_empty? column_value classes << 'sorted' if active_scaffold_config.list.user.sorting.sorts_on?(column) classes << 'numeric' if column.column and [:decimal, :float, :integer].include?(column.column.type) classes.join(' ').rstrip end def column_heading_class(column, sorting) classes = [] classes << "#{}-column_heading" classes << "sorted #{sorting.direction_of(column).downcase}" if sorting.sorts_on? column classes << column.css_class unless column.css_class.nil? || column.css_class.is_a?(Proc) classes.join(' ') end def as_main_div_class classes = ["active-scaffold", "active-scaffold-#{controller_id}", "#{id_from_controller params[:controller]}-view", "#{active_scaffold_config.theme}-theme"] classes << "as_touch" if touch_device? classes.join(' ') end def column_empty?(column_value) empty = column_value.nil? empty ||= column_value.blank? if column_value.respond_to? :blank? empty ||= [' ', active_scaffold_config.list.empty_field_text].include? column_value if String === column_value return empty end def column_calculation(column) unless column.calculate.instance_of? Proc conditions = controller.send(:all_conditions) includes = active_scaffold_config.list.count_includes includes ||= controller.send(:active_scaffold_includes) unless conditions.nil? calculation = beginning_of_chain.calculate(column.calculate,, :conditions => conditions, :joins => controller.send(:joins_for_collection), :include => includes) else end end def render_column_calculation(column) calculation = column_calculation(column) override_formatter = "render_#{}_#{column.calculate.is_a?(Proc) ? :calculate : column.calculate}" calculation = send(override_formatter, calculation) if respond_to? override_formatter "#{"#{as_(column.calculate)}: " unless column.calculate.is_a? Proc}#{format_column_value nil, column, calculation}" end def column_show_add_existing(column) (column.allow_add_existing and options_for_association_count(column.association) > 0) end def column_show_add_new(column, associated, record) value = (column.plural_association? && !column.readonly_association?) || (column.singular_association? and not associated.empty?) value = false unless column.association.klass.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :create) value end def clean_column_name(name) name.to_s.gsub('?', '') end def clean_class_name(name) name.underscore.gsub('/', '_') end def active_scaffold_error_messages_for(*params) options = params.extract_options!.symbolize_keys options.reverse_merge!(:container_tag => :div, :list_type => :ul) objects = Array.wrap(options.delete(:object) || params).map do |object| object = instance_variable_get("@#{object}") unless object.respond_to?(:to_model) object = convert_to_model(object) if object.class.respond_to?(:model_name) options[:object_name] ||= object.class.model_name.human.downcase end object end objects.compact! count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count } unless html = {} [:id, :class].each do |key| if options.include?(key) value = options[key] html[key] = value unless value.blank? else html[key] = 'errorExplanation' end end options[:object_name] ||= params.first header_message = if options.include?(:header_message) options[:header_message] else as_('errors.template.header', :count => count, :model => options[:object_name].to_s.gsub('_', ' ')) end message = options.include?(:message) ? options[:message] : as_('errors.template.body') error_messages = objects.sum do |object| do |msg| options[:list_type] != :br ? content_tag(:li, msg) : msg end end error_messages = if options[:list_type] == :br error_messages.join('<br/>').html_safe else content_tag(options[:list_type], error_messages.join.html_safe) end contents = [] contents << content_tag(options[:header_tag] || :h2, header_message) unless header_message.blank? contents << content_tag(:p, message) unless message.blank? contents << error_messages contents = contents.join.html_safe options[:container_tag] ? content_tag(options[:container_tag], contents, html) : contents else '' end end end end end