class Realogy::Office < Realogy::Entity # addlLanguageNames : [Hash] # A collection of office names in other languages (non-English)", def addl_language_names self.dig_for_array("addlLanguageNames") end # addlPhoneNumbers : [Hash] # Array of additional phone numbers associated with the office def addl_phone_numbers self.dig_for_array("addlPhoneNumbers") end # addlWebSites : [Hash] # A collection of websites associated with the Office def addl_websites self.dig_for_array("addlWebSites") end # areaServed : [Hash] # Collection of areas served by the office def area_served self.dig_for_array("areaServed") end # brandCode : String # The Franchise that the Office is part of def brand_code self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "brandCode") end # brokerName : String # Name of the Broker of the Office def broker_name self.dig_for_string("brokerName") end # city : String # City def city self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "city") end # companyId : String # Globally unique identifier assigned to a company by Realogy" def company_id self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "companyId") end # companyName : String # Name of the Company def company_name self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "companyName") end # country : String # Country def country self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "country") end # countryCode : String # ISO Code of the country def country_code self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "countryCode") end # defaultPhotoURL : String # URL for the default photo associated with the Office def default_photo_url self.dig_for_string("defaultPhotoURL") end # district : String # Subdivision name in the country or region for the address. In USA it's same as County. def district self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "district") end # emailAddress : String # description": "Main contact email address for the office def email_address self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "emailAddress") end # entityPreference : [Hash] # Array of entityPreference associated with the office def entity_preference self.dig_for_array("entityPreference") end # faxNumber : String # Fax number for the office def fax_number self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "faxNumber") end # formattedAddress : String # Formatted address for display purpose def formatted_address self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "formattedAddress") end # geographicRegions : Array # A collection of geographic regions associated with the Office location def geographic_regions self.dig_for_array("geographicRegions") end # languagesSpoken : Array # A collection of languages spoken by Agents that work out of the office def languages_spoken self.dig_for_array("languagesSpoken") end # lastUpdateOn : DateTime # The date/time that the Office record was last updated in the system (UTC) def last_updated self.dig_for_datetime("lastUpdateOn") end # latitude : Decimal # Latitude of a location def latitude self.dig_for_decimal("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "latitude") end # leadEmailAddress : String # Email address to send any leads generated for the Office def lead_email_address self.dig_for_string("leadEmailAddress") end # longitude : Decimal # Longitude of a location def longitude self.dig_for_decimal("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "longitude") end # media : [Hash] def media self.dig_for_array("media") end # mlsInformation : Array # A collection of MLS numbers associated with an Office def mls_information self.dig_for_array("mlsInformation") end # name : String # Name of the office def name self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "name") end # officeAddress : Hash def office_address self.dig_for_hash("officeSummary", "officeAddress") end # officeId : String # Globally unique identifier assigned to an office by Realogy def office_id self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeId") end # officeManagerName : String # Name of the Office Manager def office_manager_name self.dig_for_string("officeManagerName") end # officeSummary def office_summary self.dig_for_hash("officeSummary") end # type : String # Type of office (Main, Branch, etc.) def office_type self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "type") end # phoneNumber : String # Main contact phone number for the office def phone_number self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "phoneNumber") end # postalCode : String # ZIP/Postal code" def postal_code self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "postalCode") end # recruitingEmailAddress : String # Email address to send any recruiting-related communications for the Office def recruiting_email_address self.dig_for_string("recruitingEmailAddress") end # remarks : [Hash] # Collection of remarks for the Office def remarks self.dig_for_array("remarks") end # RFGCompanyId : String # Unique identifier assigned to a company by Realogy def rfg_company_id self.dig_for_string("RFGCompanyId") end # RFGOfficeId : String # Unique identifier assigned to an office by Realogy def rfg_office_id self.dig_for_string("RFGOfficeId") end # seasonalCloseMMDD : String # If a Seasonal Office, the month/day on which the Office closes in a year def seasonal_close_mmdd self.dig_for_string("seasonalCloseMMDD") end # seasonalOpenMMDD : String # If a Seasonal Office, the month/day on which the Office opens in a year def seasonal_open_mmdd self.dig_for_string("seasonalOpenMMDD") end # specialMarkets : Array # A list of Markets that the Office specializes in def special_markets self.dig_for_array("specialMarkets") end # stateProvince : String # State/Province where the address is def state_province self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "stateProvince") end # stateProvinceCode : String # ISO code of the state/subdivision def state_province_code self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "stateProvinceCode") end # streetAddress : String # Street address" def street_address self.dig_for_string("officeSummary", "officeAddress", "streetAddress") end # websiteURL : String # URL to the Office's website def website_url self.dig_for_string("websiteURL") end end