require 'forwardable' require 'set' class OperaWatir::Collection extend Forwardable include Enumerable attr_accessor :parent, :selector def initialize(parent, elms=nil) self.parent, self.selector = parent, @_elms = elms end def add_selector_from_arguments(args) if not args.empty? args.each do |arg| selector.attribute arg end end end def exist? !raw_elements.empty? rescue OperaWatir::Exceptions::UnknownObjectException false end alias_method :exists?, :exist? # LOL Ruby def single? raw_elements.length == 1 end def_delegators :raw_elements, :each, :length, :size, :first, :last, :empty? def [](n) {|c| c.selector.index(n) } end # Set union, used for joining complex finders (specifically for Watir1) def +(other), raw_elements + other.raw_elements) end # Public interface to elms, used in Selector def raw_elements _elms.tap do |e| raise(OperaWatir::Exceptions::UnknownObjectException) if e.empty? end end # Attributes def id map_or_return {|elm|} end def attr(name) raw_elements[0].attr(name) end def attrs(name) do |el| el.attr(name) end end # Finding OperaWatir::Selector::BASE_TYPES.each do |type| define_method("find_by_#{type}") do |name| do |c| c.selector.send(type, name) end end end alias_method :find_by_class, :find_by_class_name alias_method :find_by_tag, :find_by_tag_name # TODO # - Find tag if method exists in a list of HTML5 elements # - If ends in ? then check that all returned values are true # - Else, return attributes from elements def method_missing(method, *args, &blk) map_or_return {|elm| elm.send(method, *args, &blk) } end private def _elms @_elms ||= selector.eval end attr_writer :_elms # TODO Massive hack: map is overritten in Watir1 alias_method :_map, :map def map_or_return(&blk) single? ? : _map(&blk) end OperaWatir::Selector::BASE_TYPES.each do |type| define_method("find_elements_by_#{type}") do |value| _elms.inject([]) do |result, element| result | element.send("find_elements_by_#{type}", value.to_s) end end end def find_elements_by_attribute(attributes) do |elm| attributes.all? {|attribute, value| elm.send(attribute).send((value.is_a?(Regexp) ? :match : :==), value) } end end def find_elements_by_index(n) (n >= 0 && n < _elms.length) ? [_elms[n]] : [] end end