# A Web Server Called *Ebb* Ebb aims to be a small and fast web server specifically for hosting dynamic web applications. It is not meant to be a full featured web server like Lighttpd, Apache, or Nginx. Rather it should be used in multiplicity behind a load balancer and a front-end server. It is not meant to serve static files in production. At one level Ebb is a minimalist C library that ties together the [Mongrel state machine](http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/browser/tags/rel_1-0-1/ext/http11/http11_parser.rl) and [libev](http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html) event loop. One can use this library to drive a web application written in C. (Perhaps for embedded devices?) However, most people will be interested in the binding of this library to the Ruby programming language. The binding provides a [Rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/) server interface that allows it to host Rails, Merb, or other frameworks. A Python-WSGI binding is under development. ## Install The Ruby binding is available as a Ruby Gem. It can be install by executing gem install ebb Ebb depends on having glib2 headers and libraries installed. For example, in Macintosh if one is using Darwin ports then the following should do the trick port install glib2 Downloads are available at the [RubyForge project page](http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=5640). ## Running Using the executable `ebb_rails` one can start Ebb with a Rails project. Use `ebb_rails -h` to see all of the options but to start one can try cd my_rails_project/ ebb_rails start When using `ebb_rails` from monit, the monitrc entry might look like this: check process myApp4000 with pidfile /home/webuser/myApp/current/tmp/ebb.4000.pid start program = "/usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ebb_rails start -d -e production -p 4000 -P /home/webuser/myApp/current/tmp/ebb.4000.pid -c /home/webuser/myApp/current" as uid webuser and gid webuser stop program = "/usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ebb_rails stop -P /home/webuser/myApp/current/tmp/ebb.4000.pid" as uid webuser and gid webuser if totalmem > 120.0 MB for 2 cycles then restart if loadavg(5min) greater than 10 for 8 cycles then restart group myApp To use Ebb with a different framework you will have to do a small amount of hacking at the moment! :) ## Speed Because Ebb-Ruby handles most of the processing in C, it is able to do work often times more efficiently than other Ruby language web servers. ![Benchmark](http://s3.amazonaws.com/four.livejournal/20080311/ebb.png) Ebb-Ruby can handle threaded processing better than the other 'evented' servers. This won't be of any benefit to Rails applications because Rails places a lock around each request that wouldn't allow concurrent processing anyway. In Merb, for example, Ebb's thread handling will allow Ebb instances to handle larger loads. [More](http://four.livejournal.com/848525.html) ## Contributions Contributions (patches, criticism, advice) are very welcome! Please send all to to [the mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/ebbebb). The source code is hosted [github](http://github.com/ry/ebb/tree/master). It can be retrieved by executing git clone git://github.com/ry/ebb.git Here are some features that I would like to add: * HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue (RFC 2616, sections 8.2.3 and 10.1.1) * A parser for multipart/form-data * Optimize and clean up upload handling * Option to listen on unix sockets instead of TCP * Python binding ## (The MIT) License Copyright © 2008 [Ry Dahl](http://tinyclouds.org) (ry at tiny clouds dot org)