require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Scopable do describe ".default_scope" do context "when provided a proc" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope ->{ criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end it "adds the default scope to the class" do expect( eq(criteria) end it "flags as being default scoped" do expect(Band).to be_default_scoping end end context "when provided a block" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope { criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end it "adds the default scope to the class" do expect( eq(criteria) end it "flags as being default scoped" do expect(Band).to be_default_scoping end end context "when provided a non proc" do it "raises an error" do expect { Band.default_scope({}) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidScope) end end context "when there is more then one default_scope" do let(:criteria) do ->{ Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") } end let(:additional_criteria) do ->{ Band.where(origin: "England") } end let(:proc_criteria) do ->{ Band.where(active: true) } end let(:rand_criteria) do ->{ Mongo::Monitoring.next_operation_id) } end before do Band.default_scope criteria Band.default_scope additional_criteria Band.default_scope proc_criteria Band.default_scope rand_criteria end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end it "adds the first default scope" do expect(["name"]).to eq("Depeche Mode") end it "adds the additional default scope" do expect(["origin"]).to eq("England") end it "adds the proc default scope" do expect(["active"]).to be true end it "delays execution of the merge until called" do expect(Band.all.selector["likes"]).to_not eq(Band.all.selector["likes"]) end it "flags as being default scoped" do expect(Band).to be_default_scoping end end end describe ".default_scopable?" do context "when a default scope exists" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope ->{ criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end context "when not in an unscoped block" do it "returns true" do expect(Band).to be_default_scopable end end context "when in an unscoped block" do it "returns false" do Band.unscoped do expect(Band).to_not be_default_scopable end end end end context "when a default scope does not exist" do it "returns false" do expect(Band).to_not be_default_scopable end end end describe ".queryable" do context "when no criteria exists on the stack" do it "returns an empty criteria" do expect(Band.queryable.selector).to be_empty end context "when the class is not embedded" do it "returns a criteria with embedded set to nil" do expect(Band.queryable.embedded).to be(nil) end end context "when the class is embedded" do it "returns a criteria with embedded set to true" do expect(Address.queryable.embedded).to be(true) end context "when scopes are chained" do let(:person) do Person.create end it "constructs a criteria for an embedded relation" do expect(person.addresses.without_postcode_ordered.embedded).to be(true) end end end end context "when a criteria exists on the stack" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when using #current_scope=scope" do before do Mongoid::Threaded.current_scope = criteria end after do Mongoid::Threaded.current_scope = nil end it "returns the criteria on the stack" do expect(Band.queryable).to eq(criteria) end end context "when using #set_current_scope(scope, klass)" do before do Mongoid::Threaded.set_current_scope(criteria, Band) end after do Mongoid::Threaded.set_current_scope(nil, Band) end it "returns the criteria on the stack" do expect(Band.queryable).to eq(criteria) end end end end describe ".scope" do context "when provided a criteria" do context 'when a collation is defined on the criteria' do min_server_version '3.4' before do Band.scope(:tests, ->{ Band.where(name: 'TESTING').collation(locale: 'en_US', strength: 2) }) Band.create(name: 'testing') end it 'applies the collation' do expect(Band.tests.first['name']).to eq('testing') end end context "when the lambda includes a geo_near query" do before do Bar.scope(:near_by, lambda{ |location| geo_near(location) }) end after do class << Bar undef_method :near_by end Bar._declared_scopes.clear end it "allows the scope to be defined" do expect(Bar.near_by([ 51.545099, -0.0106 ])).to be_a(Mongoid::Contextual::GeoNear) end end context "when a block is provided" do before do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) do def add_origin tap { |c| c.selector[:origin] = "Deutschland" } end end end after do class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end let(:scope) do end it "adds the extension to the scope" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true, "origin" => "Deutschland" }) end end context "when scoping an embedded document" do before do Record.scope( :tool, ->{ Record.where( => [ "undertow", "aenima", "lateralus" ]) } ) end after do class << Record undef_method :tool end Record._declared_scopes.clear end context "when calling the scope" do let(:band) do end let!(:undertow) do "undertow") end let(:scoped) do band.records.tool end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(scoped).to eq([ undertow ]) end end end context "when no block is provided" do before do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true).skip(10) }) end after do class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "adds a method for the scope" do expect(Band).to respond_to(:active) end context "when calling the scope" do context "when calling from the class" do let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end end context "when chained to another scope" do before do Band.scope(:english, ->{ Band.where(origin: "England") }) end after do class << Band undef_method :english end Band._declared_scopes.clear end let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true, "origin" => "England" }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end it "does not modify the original scope" do expect( eq({ "active" => true }) end end context "when chained to a criteria" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(origin: "England") end let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "origin" => "England", "active" => true }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end it "does not modify the original scope" do expect( eq({ "active" => true }) end it "does not modify the original criteria" do expect(criteria.selector).to eq({ "origin" => "England" }) end end end end context "when the name conflict with an existing method" do context "when raising an error" do before do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = true end after do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = false class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "raises an exception" do expect { Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::ScopeOverwrite) end end context "when not raising an error" do after do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = false class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "raises no exception" do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) end end end end context "when provided a proc" do context "when a block is provided" do before do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) do def add_origin tap { |c| c.selector[:origin] = "Deutschland" } end end end after do class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end let(:scope) do end it "adds the extension to the scope" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true, "origin" => "Deutschland" }) end end context 'when the block is an none scope' do before do Simple.create!(name: 'Emily') end context 'when there is no default scope' do before do Simple.scope(:nothing, ->{ none }) end it 'returns no results' do expect(Simple.nothing).to be_empty end end context 'when there is a default scope' do let(:criteria) do Simple.where(name: "Emily") end before do Simple.default_scope ->{ criteria } Simple.scope(:nothing, ->{ none }) end after do Simple.default_scoping = nil end it 'returns no results' do expect(Simple.nothing).to be_empty end end end context "when no block is provided" do before do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true).skip(10) }) Band.scope(:named_by, ->(name) { Band.where(name: name) if name }) end after do class << Band undef_method :active undef_method :named_by end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "adds a method for the scope" do expect(Band).to respond_to(:active) end context "when calling the scope" do context "when the scope would return nil" do it "returns a chainable empty scope" do expect(Band.named_by(nil)).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end end context "when calling from the class" do let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end end context "when chained to another scope" do before do Band.scope(:english, ->{ Band.where(origin: "England") }) end after do class << Band undef_method :english end Band._declared_scopes.clear end let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "active" => true, "origin" => "England" }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end it "does not modify the original scope" do expect( eq({ "active" => true }) end end context "when chained to a criteria" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(origin: "England") end let(:scope) do end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scope).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains the proper selector" do expect(scope.selector).to eq({ "origin" => "England", "active" => true }) end it "contains the proper options" do expect(scope.options).to eq({ skip: 10 }) end it "does not modify the original scope" do expect( eq({ "active" => true }) end it "does not modify the original criteria" do expect(criteria.selector).to eq({ "origin" => "England" }) end end context "when chaining scopes through more than one model" do before do Author.scope(:author, -> { where(author: true) } ) Article.scope(:is_public, -> { where(public: true) } ) Article.scope(:authored, -> { author_ids = where( => author_ids) }) Author.create(author: true, id: 1) Author.create(author: true, id: 2) Author.create(author: true, id: 3) Article.create(author_id: 1, public: true) Article.create(author_id: 2, public: true) Article.create(author_id: 3, public: false) end after do class << Article undef_method :is_public undef_method :authored end Article._declared_scopes.clear class << Author undef_method :author end Author._declared_scopes.clear end context "when calling another model's scope from within a scope" do let(:authored_count) do Article.authored.size end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(authored_count).to eq(3) end end context "when calling another model's scope from within a chained scope" do let(:is_public_authored_count) do Article.is_public.authored.size end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(is_public_authored_count).to eq(2) end end end end end context "when the name conflict with an existing method" do context "when raising an error" do before do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = true end after do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = false class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "raises an exception" do expect { Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::ScopeOverwrite) end end context "when not raising an error" do after do Mongoid.scope_overwrite_exception = false class << Band undef_method :active end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "raises no exception" do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) end end end end context "when provided a non proc or criteria" do it "raises an error" do expect { Band.scope(:active, {}) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidScope) end end context "when chaining a proc with a proc" do context "when both scopes are or queries" do before do Band.scope(:xxx, ->{ Band.any_of({ => 0 }, { => 0 }) }) Band.scope(:yyy, ->{ Band.any_of({ :ccc => nil }, { => 1 }) }) end after do class << Band undef_method :xxx undef_method :yyy end Band._declared_scopes.clear end let(:criteria) do end it "properly chains the $or queries together" do expect(criteria.selector).to eq({ "$or" => [ { "ccc" => nil }, { "ccc" => { "$gt" => 1.0 }}, { "aaa" => { "$gt" => 0.0 }}, { "bbb" => { "$gt" => 0.0 }} ] }) end end end context "when working with a subclass" do before do Shape.scope(:located_at, ->(x,y) {Shape.where(x: x, y: y)}) Circle.scope(:with_radius, ->(r) {Circle.where(radius: r)}) end after do class << Shape undef_method :located_at end Shape._declared_scopes.clear class << Circle undef_method :with_radius end Circle._declared_scopes.clear end let(:shape_scope_keys) do Shape.scopes.keys end let(:circle_located_at) do Circle.located_at(0,0) end let(:circle_scope_keys) do Circle.scopes.keys end it "doesn't include subclass scopes in superclass scope list" do expect(shape_scope_keys).to match_array([:located_at]) end it "includes superclass scope methods on subclass" do expect(circle_located_at).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "includes superclass scopes in subclass scope list" do expect(circle_scope_keys).to match_array([:located_at, :with_radius]) end end context "when calling a scope defined in a parent class" do before do Shape.class_eval do scope :visible, -> { large } scope :large, -> { all } end Circle.class_eval do scope :large, -> { where(radius: 5) } end end after do class << Shape undef_method :visible undef_method :large end Shape._declared_scopes.clear class << Circle undef_method :large end Circle._declared_scopes.clear end it "uses sublcass context for all the other used scopes" do expect(Circle.visible.selector).to eq("radius" => 5) end end end describe ".scoped" do context "when no options are provided" do let(:scoped) do Band.scoped end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scoped).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains an empty selector" do expect(scoped.selector).to be_empty end it "contains empty options" do expect(scoped.options).to be_empty end end context "when options are provided" do let(:scoped) do Band.scoped(skip: 10, limit: 10) end it "returns a criteria" do expect(scoped).to be_a(Mongoid::Criteria) end it "contains an empty selector" do expect(scoped.selector).to be_empty end it "contains the options" do expect(scoped.options).to eq({ skip: 10, limit: 10 }) end end context "when a default scope exists" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope ->{ criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end let(:scoped) do Band.scoped end it "allows the default scope to be added" do expect(scoped.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end context "when chained after an unscoped criteria" do let(:scoped) do Band.unscoped.scoped end it "reapplies the default scope" do expect(scoped.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end end end end describe ".unscoped" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope ->{ criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end context "when called directly" do let(:unscoped) do Band.unscoped end it "removes the default scope from the criteria" do expect(unscoped.selector).to be_empty end context "when chained after a scoped criteria" do let(:unscoped) do Band.scoped.unscoped end it "removes all scoping" do expect(unscoped.selector).to be_empty end end context "when default scope is in a super class" do context "when scope is already defined in parent class" do let(:unscoped) do class U1 < Kaleidoscope; end U1.unscoped.activated end it "clears default scope" do expect(unscoped.selector).to eq({ "active" => true }) end end context "when the scope is created dynamically" do before do Band.scope(:active, ->{ Band.where(active: true) }) end after do class << Band undef_method :active end end let(:unscoped) do class U2 < Band; end end it "clears default scope" do expect(unscoped.selector).to eq({ "active" => true }) end end end end context "when used with a block" do context "when a criteria is called in the block" do it "does not allow default scoping to be added in the block" do Band.unscoped do expect(Band.skip(10).selector).to be_empty end end end context "when a call is made to scoped in the block" do it "does not allow default scoping to be added in the block" do Band.unscoped do expect(Band.scoped.selector).to be_empty end end end context "when a named scope is called in the block" do before do Band.scope(:skipped, ->{ Band.skip(10) }) end after do class << Band undef_method :skipped end Band._declared_scopes.clear end it "does not allow the default scope to be applied" do Band.unscoped do expect(Band.skipped.selector).to be_empty end end end end end describe ".with_default_scope" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end before do Band.default_scope ->{ criteria } end after do Band.default_scoping = nil end context "when inside an unscoped block" do it "returns an empty criteria" do Band.unscoped do expect(Band.with_default_scope.selector).to be_empty end end end context "when the criteria is unscoped" do let(:scoped) do Band.unscoped.with_default_scope end it "returns an empty criteria" do expect(scoped.selector).to be_empty end end context "when no unscoping exists" do let(:scoped) do Band.with_default_scope end it "returns a scoped criteria" do expect(scoped.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end end end describe ".with_scope" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(active: true) end it "yields to the criteria" do Band.with_scope(criteria) do |crit| expect(crit.selector).to eq({ "active" => true }) end end context "when using #current_scope" do it "pops the criteria off the stack" do Band.with_scope(criteria) do;end expect(Mongoid::Threaded.current_scope).to be_nil end end context "when using #current_scope(klass)" do it "pops the criteria off the stack" do Band.with_scope(criteria) do;end expect(Mongoid::Threaded.current_scope(Band)).to be_nil end end end describe ".without_default_scope" do it "sets the threading options" do Band.without_default_scope do expect(Mongoid::Threaded).to be_executing(:without_default_scope) expect(Mongoid::Threaded.without_default_scope?(Band)).to be(true) end end it "suppresses default scope on the given model within the given block" do Appointment.without_default_scope do expect(Appointment.all.selector).to be_empty end end it "does not affect other models' default scopes within the given block" do Appointment.without_default_scope do expect(Audio.all.selector).not_to be_empty end end end end