Sample script for CGI/ERB and Ruby-GetText-Package.

At first, create mo file once:
$ rake 

# You need 'rake' to execute it.

(One click ruby installer for Windonws user only)
Edit ruby.bat to fit your environment. If you don't have GTK,
removes 'set PATH=c:\gtk\bin' line.

Then run the http server.
$ ruby http.rb

Access the http server from WWW browser:



If you want to set locale(lang) forcely, then:

     #ja is a target locale in this sample.

http.rb        - an http server for samples using WEBrick
Rakefile       - a Rakefile to create mo files from po files.

index.cgi      - a sample menu (CGI sample)     - textdomain: main
cookie.cgi     - a sample menu (CGI sample)     - textdomain: main
helloerb1.cgi  - an ERB/CGI sample (UTF-8)       - textdomain: helloerb1
helloerb2.cgi  - an ERB/CGI sample (Auto-Detect) - textdomain: helloerb2

helloerb.rhtml - an ERB file (used from both of helloerb1/helloerb2)
other.rhtml    - an ERB file (used from helloerb1)

hellolib.rb    - a smple library called from helloerb.rhtml which have an 
                 independent textdomain: hellolib
ruby.bat       - Execute ruby interpreter on Win32.