class Acs::Ldap::Mapper # mapping # [key: method, key: method] => [uid: :id, sn: '']] # # object_class # ["top", "extensibleObject"] # # options # method_separator => used to separate methods call if they are composed # force_method_calls => perform method calls even if object#respond_to? :method returns false (util when method_missing is used) def initialize(mapping, object_class, ou, options = {}) @mapping = mapping @object_class = object_class @ou = ou @method_separator = options[:method_separator] || '.' @force_method_calls = options[:force_method_calls] || false Acs::Ldap::logger.error "Acs::Ldap::Mapper with options methods_separator '#{@method_separator}' force_method_calls '#{@force_method_calls}'" end # Populate a hash based on the provided mapping and object def attributes(object) attributes = {} @mapping.each do |key, method| attributes[key.to_sym] = chain_methods(object, method, {method_separator: @method_separator, force_method_calls: @force_method_calls}) # unless key.to_sym == :uid end attributes end # return the object classes def object_class @object_class end # returns the value correponding to the key of the object based on the provided mapping def get(key, object) if @mapping.has_key?(key) chain_methods(object, @mapping[key], {method_separator: @method_separator, force_method_calls: @force_method_calls}) else Acs::Ldap::logger.error "Acs::Ldap::Mapper Error while trying to fetch key '#{key}' on object '#{object}' with mapping '#{@mapping}'" nil end end # shortcut method def uid(object) get(:uid, object) end # get the ou (eg. 'people') def ou @ou end protected # go deeper in objects def chain_methods(object, chain_method, options = {}) separator = options[:separator] || '.' force_method_calls = options[:force_method_calls] || false Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method on object '#{object}' with chain '#{chain_method}' separator '#{separator}' force_method_calls '#{force_method_calls}'" methods = chain_method.to_s.split(separator) if methods.length > 1 method = methods.shift.to_sym if object.respond_to?(method) || force_method_calls child_object = object.send(method) return chain_methods(child_object, methods.join(separator), options) else Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method returns 'nil'" return nil end else if object.respond_to?(methods[0].to_sym) || force_method_calls value = object.send(methods[0].to_sym) Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method returns '#{value}'" return value else Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method ended without result, returning 'nil'" return nil end end end def _chain_methods(object, chain_method, options = {}) separator = options[:separator] || '.' force_method_calls = options[:force_method_calls] || false Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method on object '#{object}' with chain '#{chain_method}' separator '#{separator}'" methods = chain_method.to_s.split(separator) if methods.length > 1 method = methods.shift.to_sym child_object = object.send(method) return chain_methods(child_object, methods.join(separator), options) else value = object.send(methods[0].to_sym) Acs::Ldap.logger.debug "Acs::Ldap::Mapper chain_method returns '#{value}'" return value end end end