require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' describe YamlDb::Dump do before do silence_warnings { ActiveRecord::Base = mock('ActiveRecord::Base', :null_object => true) } ActiveRecord::Base.stub(:connection).and_return(stub('connection').as_null_object) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:tables).and_return([ 'mytable', 'schema_info', 'schema_migrations' ]) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:columns).with('mytable').and_return([ mock('a', name: 'a', type: :string, sql_type: 'text'), mock('b', name: 'b', type: :string, sql_type: 'text') ]) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:select_one).and_return({"count"=>"2"}) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:select_all).and_return([ { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }, { 'a' => 3, 'b' => 4 } ]) YamlDb::Utils.stub!(:quote_table).with('mytable').and_return('mytable') end before(:each) do File.stub!(:new).with('dump.yml', 'w').and_return( @io = end it "should return a formatted string" do YamlDb::Dump.table_record_header(@io) @io.rewind == " records: \n" end it "should return a yaml string that contains a table header and column names" do if RUBY_VERSION.to_f >= 1.9 && RUBY_VERSION.to_f < 2.0 YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck" end YamlDb::Dump.stub!(:table_column_names).with('mytable').and_return([ 'a', 'b' ]) YamlDb::Dump.dump_table_columns(@io, 'mytable') @io.rewind expected_yaml = <= 2.0 == expected_yaml end it "should return dump the records for a table in yaml to a given io stream" do YamlDb::Dump.dump_table_records(@io, 'mytable') @io.rewind == <