require "yaml" require "thor" require "thor/actions" require "thor_plus/actions" require "runcom" <% render_namespace do %> # The Command Line Interface (CLI) for the gem. class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions include ThorPlus::Actions package_name <%= config.dig(:gem, :class) %>::Identity.version_label def self.configuration file_name: Identity.file_name end def initialize args = [], options = {}, config = {} super args, options, config end desc "-c, [--config]", %(Manage gem configuration ("#{configuration.computed_path}").) map %w[-c --config] => :config method_option :edit, aliases: "-e", desc: "Edit gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :info, aliases: "-i", desc: "Print gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false def config path = self.class.configuration.computed_path if options.edit? then `#{editor} #{path}` elsif then say(path) else help(:config) end end desc "-v, [--version]", "Show gem version." map %w[-v --version] => :version def version say <%= config.dig(:gem, :class) %>::Identity.version_label end desc "-h, [--help=COMMAND]", "Show this message or get help for a command." map %w[-h --help] => :help def help task = nil say and super end end <% end %>