# graphql graphql-ruby [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/graphql.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/graphql) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby) [![built with love](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2231765/6766607/d07992c6-cfc9-11e4-813f-d9240714dd50.png)](http://rmosolgo.github.io/react-badges/) A Ruby implementation of [GraphQL](http://graphql.org/). - Guides - [Introduction](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/file/guides/introduction.md) - [Defining Your Schema](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/file/guides/defining_your_schema.md) - [Executing Queries](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/file/guides/executing_queries.md) - [Testing](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/file/guides/testing.md) - [API Documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby) ## Installation Install from RubyGems by adding it to your `Gemfile`, then bundling. ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'graphql' ``` ``` $ bundle install ``` ## Overview #### Declare types & build a schema ```ruby # Declare a type... PostType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Post" description "A blog post" field :id, !types.ID field :title, !types.String field :body, !types.String field :comments, types[!CommentType] end # ...and a query root QueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Query" description "The query root of this schema" field :post do type PostType argument :id, !types.ID resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { Post.find(args["id"]) } end end # Then create your schema Schema = GraphQL::Schema.new( query: QueryType, max_depth: 8, ) ``` See also: - the [test schema](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/blob/master/spec/support/dairy_app.rb) - [`graphql-ruby-demo`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby-demo) for an example schema on Rails #### Execute queries Execute GraphQL queries on a given schema, from a query string. ```ruby result_hash = Schema.execute(query_string) # { # "data" => { # "post" => { # "id" => 1, # "title" => "GraphQL is nice" # } # } # } ``` See also: - [query_spec.rb](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/blob/master/spec/graphql/query_spec.rb) for an example of query execution. - [`queries_controller.rb`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby-demo/blob/master/app/controllers/queries_controller.rb) for a Rails example - Try it on [heroku](http://graphql-ruby-demo.herokuapp.com) #### Use with Relay If you're building a backend for [Relay](http://facebook.github.io/relay/), you'll need: - A JSON dump of the schema, which you can get by sending [`GraphQL::Introspection::INTROSPECTION_QUERY`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/blob/master/lib/graphql/introspection/introspection_query.rb) - Relay-specific helpers for GraphQL like Connections, node fields, and global ids. Here's one example of those: [`graphql-relay`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-relay-ruby) ## Getting Started Tutorials #### Series: Building a blog in GraphQL and Relay on Rails 1. **Introduction:** https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-getting-started-955a49d251de 2. **Part1:** https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-creating-types-and-schema-b3f9b232ccfc 3. **Part2:** https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-first-relay-powered-react-component-cb3f9ee95eca #### Tutorials 1. https://medium.com/@khor/relay-facebook-on-rails-8b4af2057152 2. https://blog.jacobwgillespie.com/from-rest-to-graphql-b4e95e94c26b#.4cjtklrwt 3. http://mgiroux.me/2015/getting-started-with-rails-graphql-relay/ 4. http://mgiroux.me/2015/uploading-files-using-relay-with-rails/ ## Goals - Implement the GraphQL spec & support a Relay front end - Provide idiomatic, plain-Ruby API with similarities to reference implementation where possible - Support Ruby on Rails and Relay ## Getting Involved - __Say hi & ask questions__ in the [#ruby channel on Slack](https://graphql-slack.herokuapp.com/) or [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/rmosolgo)! - __Report bugs__ by posting a description, full stack trace, and all relevant code in a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues). - __Features & patches__ are welcome! Consider discussing it in an [issue](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues) or in the [#ruby channel on Slack](https://graphql-slack.herokuapp.com/) to make sure we're on the same page. - __Run the tests__ with `rake test` or start up guard with `bundle exec guard`. ## Related Projects - `graphql-ruby` + Rails demo ([src](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby-demo) / [heroku](http://graphql-ruby-demo.herokuapp.com)) - [`graphql-batch`](https://github.com/shopify/graphql-batch), a batched query execution strategy - [`graphql-parallel`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-parallel), an asynchronous query execution strategy - [Example Relay support](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-relay-ruby) in Ruby - [`graphql-libgraphqlparser`](https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-libgraphqlparser), bindings to [libgraphqlparser](https://github.com/graphql/libgraphqlparser), a C-level parser. ## To Do - Interface's possible types should be a property of the schema, not the interface - Type lookup should be by type name (to support reloaded constants in Rails code) - Add a complexity validator (reject queries if they're too big) - Add docs for shared behaviors & DRY code - Optimize the pure-Ruby parser (hand-write, RACC?!) - Revamp the fixture Schema to be more useful (better names, more extensible) - __Subscriptions__ - This is a good chance to make an `Operation` abstraction of which `query`, `mutation` and `subscription` are members - For a subscription, `graphql` would send an outbound message to the system (allow the host application to manage its own subscriptions via Pusher, ActionCable, whatever)