require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. lib sproutcore])) Spec::Runner.configure do |config| # == Mock Framework # # RSpec uses it's own mocking framework by default. If you prefer to # use mocha, flexmock or RR, uncomment the appropriate line: # # config.mock_with :mocha # config.mock_with :flexmock # config.mock_with :rr end module SC # A Temporary project will clone the project_root before instantiating. # You can call cleanup when you are finished to remove the cloned project. # This way you can make changes to the project - perform builds, etc, # and easily reset for another test. class TemporaryTestProject < Project attr_reader :real_project_root def initialize(proot, opts ={}) @tempfile = # keep placeholder @real_project_root = proot proot = "#{@tempfile.path}-project" FileUtils.cp_r(@real_project_root, proot) # clone real_world super(proot, opts) end def cleanup # delete the project root. Double check this is stored in a tmp loc # just to avoid problems. if project_root =~ /^#{Regexp.escape Dir.tmpdir}/ FileUtils.rm_r(project_root) else puts "WARNING: Not deleting project_root: #{project_root}" end end end module SpecHelpers def fixture_path(*path_items) (path_items = path_items.flatten).unshift 'fixtures'! { |pi| pi.to_s } File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), path_items) end def empty_project fixture_path('buildfiles', 'empty_project') end # The builtin project (i.e. default Buildfile) def builtin_project fixture_path('..','..') end # Loads a project from fixtures, including the builtin project as # parent def fixture_project(*paths) fixture_path(*paths), :parent => builtin_project end ##################################################### # BUILD TESTING # def temp_project(*paths) fixture_path(*paths), :parent => builtin_project end def files_eql(path_a, path_b) return false if File.exist?(path_a) != File.exist?(path_b) if File.exist?(path_a) file_a = file_b = return file_a == file_b end return true # neither paths exist end # Writes a dummy file at the specified path. def write_dummy(at_path, string = "DUMMY") FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(at_path)) f =, 'w') f.write(string) f.close return string end # Tests to see if the file at_path matches the dummy file or not. def is_dummy(at_path, string = "DUMMY") return false if !File.exist?(at_path) == string end # Make the a newer than b. touch then sleep until it works... def make_newer(path_a, path_b) FileUtils.touch(path_a) while File.mtime(path_a) <= File.mtime(path_b) sleep(0.1) FileUtils.touch(path_a) end end ##################################################### # TOOL TESTING # # Captures a stdout/stdin/stderr stream for evaluation def capture(stream) SC.instance_variable_set('@logger', nil) # reset begin stream = stream.to_s eval "$#{stream} =" yield result = eval("$#{stream}").string ensure eval("$#{stream} = #{stream.upcase}") end SC.instance_variable_set('@logger', nil) # reset again.. result end alias silence capture end end # EOF