require 'erb' require 'git_utils' require 'r10k_utils' require 'master_manipulator' test_name 'CODEMGMT-20 - C59120 - Install and Configure Git for r10k' #Init env_path = on(master, puppet('config print environmentpath')).stdout.rstrip prod_env_path = File.join(env_path, 'production') git_repo_path = '/git_repos' git_repo_name = 'environments' git_control_remote = File.join(git_repo_path, "#{git_repo_name}.git") git_control_remote_head_path = File.join(git_control_remote, 'HEAD') git_environments_path = File.join('/root', git_repo_name) local_files_root_path = ENV['FILES'] || 'files' git_manifest_template_path = File.join(local_files_root_path, 'pre-suite', 'git_config.pp.erb') git_manifest = step 'Get PE Version' pe_major = on(master, 'facter -p pe_major_version').stdout.rstrip pe_minor = on(master, 'facter -p pe_minor_version').stdout.rstrip pe_version = "#{pe_major}.#{pe_minor}".to_f if pe_version < 3.7 fail_test('This pre-suite requires PE 3.7 or above!') end #Setup step 'Stub Forge on Master' stub_forge_on(master) step 'Install "git" Module' on(master, puppet('module install puppetlabs-git --modulepath /opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules')) step 'Install and Configure Git' on(master, puppet('apply'), :stdin => git_manifest, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') end step 'Create "production" Environment on Git' init_r10k_source_from_prod(master, git_repo_path, git_repo_name, git_environments_path, 'production') step 'Change Default Branch to "production" on Git Control Remote' create_remote_file(master, git_control_remote_head_path, "ref: refs/heads/production\n") on(master, "chmod 644 #{git_control_remote_head_path}")