# dry-initializer [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/dry-rb/chat](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/dry-rb/chat) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/dry-initializer.svg)][gem] [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dry-rb/dry-initializer.svg?branch=master)][travis] [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/dry-rb/dry-initializer.svg)][gemnasium] [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/dry-rb/dry-initializer/badges/gpa.svg)][codeclimate] [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/dry-rb/dry-initializer/badges/coverage.svg)][coveralls] [![Inline docs](http://inch-ci.org/github/dry-rb/dry-initializer.svg?branch=master)][inchpages] [gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/dry-initializer [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/dry-rb/dry-initializer [gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/dry-rb/dry-initializer [codeclimate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/dry-rb/dry-initializer [coveralls]: https://coveralls.io/r/dry-rb/dry-initializer [inchpages]: http://inch-ci.org/github/dry-rb/dry-initializer DSL for building class initializer with params and options. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dry-initializer' ``` And then execute: ```shell $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```shell $ gem install dry-initializer ``` ## Synopsis ```ruby require 'dry-initializer' class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin # Params of the initializer along with corresponding readers param :name, type: String param :role, default: proc { 'customer' } # Options of the initializer along with corresponding readers option :admin, default: proc { false } end # Defines the initializer with params and options user = User.new 'Vladimir', 'admin', admin: true # Defines readers for single attributes user.name # => 'Vladimir' user.role # => 'admin' user.admin # => true ``` This is pretty the same as: ```ruby class User attr_reader :name, :type, :admin def initializer(name, type = 'customer', admin: false) @name = name @type = type @admin = admin fail TypeError unless String === @name end end ``` ### Container Version Instead of extending a class with the `Dry::Initializer::Mixin`, you can include a container with the initializer: ```ruby require 'dry-initializer' class User # notice `-> do .. end` syntax include Dry::Initializer.define -> do param :name, type: String param :role, default: proc { 'customer' } option :admin, default: proc { false } end end ``` Now you do not pollute a class with new variables, but isolate them in a special "container" module with the initializer and attribute readers. This method should be preferred when you don't need subclassing. If you still need the DSL (`param` and `option`) to be inherited, use the direct extension: ```ruby require 'dry-initializer' class BaseService extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin alias_method :dependency, :param end class ShowUser < BaseService dependency :user def call puts user&.name end end ``` ### Params and Options Use `param` to define plain argument: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name param :email end user = User.new 'Andrew', 'andrew@email.com' user.name # => 'Andrew' user.email # => 'andrew@email.com' ``` Use `option` to define named (hash) argument: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin option :name option :email end user = User.new email: 'andrew@email.com', name: 'Andrew' user.name # => 'Andrew' user.email # => 'andrew@email.com' ``` All names should be unique: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name option :name # => raises # end ``` ### Default Values By default both params and options are mandatory. Use `:default` key to make them optional: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, default: proc { 'Unknown user' } option :email, default: proc { 'unknown@example.com' } end user = User.new user.name # => 'Unknown user' user.email # => 'unknown@example.com' user = User.new 'Vladimir', email: 'vladimir@example.com' user.name # => 'Vladimir' user.email # => 'vladimir@example.com' ``` Set `nil` as a default value explicitly: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name option :email, default: proc { nil } end user = User.new 'Andrew' user.email # => nil user = User.new # => # ``` You **must** wrap default values into procs. If you need to **assign** proc as a default value, wrap it to another one: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name_proc, default: proc { proc { 'Unknown user' } } end user = User.new user.name_proc.call # => 'Unknown user' ``` Proc will be executed in a scope of new instance. You can refer to other arguments: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name param :email, default: proc { "#{name.downcase}@example.com" } end user = User.new 'Andrew' user.email # => 'andrew@example.com' ``` **Warning**: when using lambdas instead of procs, don't forget an argument, required by [instance_eval][instance_eval] (you can skip in in a proc). ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, default: -> (obj) { 'Dude' } end ``` [instance_eval]: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/BasicObject.html#method-i-instance_eval ### Order of Declarations You cannot define required parameter after optional ones. The following example raises `SyntaxError` exception: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, default: proc { 'Unknown name' } param :email # => # end ``` ### Type Constraints To set type constraint use `:type` key: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, type: String end user = User.new 'Andrew' user.name # => 'Andrew' user = User.new :andrew # => # ``` You can use plain Ruby classes and modules as type constraint (see above), or use [dry-types][dry-types]: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, type: Dry::Types::Coercion::String end ``` Or you can define custom constraint as a proc: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name, type: proc { |v| raise TypeError if String === v } end user = User.new name: 'Andrew' # => # ``` [dry-types]: https://github.com/dryrb/dry-types ### Reader By default `attr_reader` is defined for every param and option. To skip the reader, use `reader: false`: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name param :email, reader: false end user = User.new 'Luke', 'luke@example.com' user.name # => 'Luke' user.email # => # user.instance_variable_get :@email # => 'luke@example.com' ``` No writers are defined. Define them using pure ruby `attr_writer` when necessary. ### Subclassing Subclassing preserves all definitions being made inside a superclass: ```ruby class User extend Dry::Initializer::Mixin param :name end class Employee < User param :position end employee = Employee.new('John', 'supercargo') employee.name # => 'John' employee.position # => 'supercargo' ``` ## Benchmarks The `dry-initializer` is a [fastest DSL][benchmarks] for rubies 2.2+ except for cases when core `Struct` is sufficient. [benchmarks]: https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-initializer/wiki ## Compatibility Tested under rubies [compatible to MRI 2.2+](.travis.yml). ## Contributing * [Fork the project](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-initializer) * Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) * Add tests for it * Commit your changes (`git commit -am '[UPDATE] Add some feature'`) * Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) * Create a new Pull Request ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).