Feature: Use fixtures in your tests Sometimes your tests need existing files to work - e.g binary data files you cannot create programmatically. Since `aruba` >= 0.6.3 includes some basic support for fixtures. All you need to do is the following: 1. Create a `fixtures`-directory 2. Create fixture files in this directory Background: Given I use a fixture named "cli-app" Scenario: Use a fixture for your tests Given a file named "features/fixtures.feature" with: """ Feature: Fixture Scenario: Fixture Given I use a fixture named "fixtures-app" Then a file named "test.txt" should exist """ And a directory named "fixtures" And an empty file named "fixtures/fixtures-app/test.txt" When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Use a fixture for your tests in test/ Given a file named "features/fixtures.feature" with: """ Feature: Fixture Scenario: Fixture Given I use a fixture named "fixtures-app" Then a file named "test.txt" should exist """ And a directory named "test/fixtures" And an empty file named "test/fixtures/fixtures-app/test.txt" When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Use a fixture for your tests in specs/ Given a file named "features/fixtures.feature" with: """ Feature: Fixture Scenario: Fixture Given I use a fixture named "fixtures-app" Then a file named "test.txt" should exist """ And a directory named "spec/fixtures" And an empty file named "spec/fixtures/fixtures-app/test.txt" When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Use a fixture for your tests in features/ Given a file named "features/fixtures.feature" with: """ Feature: Fixture Scenario: Fixture Given I use a fixture named "fixtures-app" Then a file named "test.txt" should exist """ And a directory named "features/fixtures" And an empty file named "features/fixtures/fixtures-app/test.txt" When I run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass