import Link from "@tiptap/extension-link"; import { Plugin } from "prosemirror-state"; import { getDictionary } from "src/decidim/i18n"; import InputDialog from "src/decidim/editor/common/input_dialog"; import createBubbleMenu from "src/decidim/editor/extensions/link/bubble_menu"; export default Link.extend({ addStorage() { return { bubbleMenu: null }; }, onCreate() { this.parent?.(); = createBubbleMenu(this.editor); }, onDestroy() { this.parent?.();; = null; }, addOptions() { return { ...this.parent?.(), allowTargetControl: false, HTMLAttributes: { target: "_blank", class: null } } }, addCommands() { const i18n = getDictionary(""); return { ...this.parent?.(), toggleLinkBubble: () => ({ dispatch }) => { if (dispatch) { if (this.editor.isActive("link")) {; return true; }; return false; } return this.editor.isActive("link"); }, linkDialog: () => async ({ dispatch, commands }) => { if (dispatch) { // If the cursor is within the link but the link is not selected, the // link would not be correctly updated. Also if only a part of the // link is selected, the link would be split to separate links, only // the current selection getting the updated link URL. commands.extendMarkRange("link");; const { allowTargetControl } = this.options; let { href, target } = this.editor.getAttributes("link"); const inputs = { href: { type: "text", label: i18n.hrefLabel } }; if (allowTargetControl) { = { type: "select", label: i18n.targetLabel, options: [ { value: "", label: i18n["targets.default"] }, { value: "_blank", label: i18n["targets.blank"] } ] } } const linkDialog = new InputDialog(this.editor, { inputs }); const dialogState = await linkDialog.toggle({ href, target }); href = linkDialog.getValue("href"); target = linkDialog.getValue("target"); if (!allowTargetControl) { target = "_blank"; } else if (!target || target.length < 1) { target = null; } if (dialogState !== "save") { this.editor.chain().focus(null, { scrollIntoView: false }).toggleLinkBubble().run(); return false; } if (!href || href.trim().length < 1) { return this.editor.chain().focus(null, { scrollIntoView: false }).unsetLink().run(); } return this.editor.chain().focus(null, { scrollIntoView: false }).setLink({ href, target }).toggleLinkBubble().run(); } return true; } } }, addProseMirrorPlugins() { const editor = this.editor; return [ ...(this.parent?.() || {}), new Plugin({ props: { handleDoubleClick() { if (!editor.isActive("link")) { return false; } editor.chain().focus().linkDialog().run(); return true; } } }) ]; } });