# +vestal_versions+ keeps track of updates to ActiveRecord models, leveraging the introduction of
# dirty attributes in Rails 2.1. By storing only the updated attributes in a serialized column of a
# single version model, the history is kept DRY and no additional schema changes are necessary.
# Author:: Steve Richert
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Steve Richert
# License:: MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
# To enable versioning on a model, simply use the +versioned+ method:
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# versioned
# end
# user = User.create(:name => "Steve Richert")
# user.version # => 1
# user.update_attribute(:name, "Steve Jobs")
# user.version # => 2
# user.revert_to(1)
# user.name # => "Steve Richert"
# See the +versioned+ documentation for more details.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'generators', 'vestal_versions', 'vestal_versions_generator'))
Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vestal_versions', '*.rb')].each{|f| require f }
# The base module that gets included in ActiveRecord::Base. See the documentation for
# VestalVersions::ClassMethods for more useful information.
module VestalVersions
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.class_eval do
extend ClassMethods
extend Versioned
module ClassMethods
# +versioned+ associates an ActiveRecord model with many versions. When the object is updated,
# a new version containing the changes is created. There are several options available to the
# +versioned+ method, most of which are passed to the +has_many+ association itself:
# * :class_name: The class name of the version model to use for the association. By
# default, this is set to "VestalVersions::Version", representing the built-in version class.
# By specifying this option, you can override the version class, to include custom version
# behavior. It's recommended that a custom version inherit from VestalVersions::Version.
# * :dependent: Also common to +has_many+ associations, this describes the behavior of
# version records when the parent object is destroyed. This defaults to :delete_all, which
# will permanently remove all associated versions *without* triggering any destroy callbacks.
# Other options are :destroy which removes the associated versions *with* callbacks, or
# :nullify which leaves the version records in the database, but dissociates them from the
# parent object by setting the foreign key columns to +nil+ values.
# * :except: An update will trigger version creation as long as at least one column
# outside those specified here was updated. Also, upon version creation, the columns
# specified here will be excluded from the change history. This is useful when dealing with
# unimportant, constantly changing, or sensitive information. This option accepts a symbol,
# string or an array of either, representing column names to exclude. It is completely
# optional and defaults to +nil+, allowing all columns to be versioned. This option is also
# ignored if the +only+ option is used.
# * :extend: This option allows you to extend the +has_many+ association proxy with a
# module or an array of modules. Any methods defined in those modules become available on the
# +versions+ association. The VestalVersions::Versions module is essential to the
# functionality of +vestal_versions+ and so is prepended to any additional modules that you
# might specify here.
# * :if: Accepts a symbol, a proc or an array of either to be evaluated when the parent
# object is updated to determine whether a new version should be created. +to_proc+ is called
# on any symbols given and the resulting procs are called, passing in the object itself. If
# an array is given, all must be evaluate to +true+ in order for a version to be created.
# * :initial_version: When set to true, an initial version is always created when the
# parent object is created. This initial version will have nil changes however it can be
# used to store who created the original version.
# * :only: An update will trigger version creation as long as at least one updated
# column falls within those specified here. Also, upon version creation, only the columns
# specified here will be included in the change history. This option accepts a symbol, string
# or an array of either, representing column names to include. It is completely optional and
# defaults to +nil+, allowing all columns to be versioned. This option takes precedence over
# the +except+ option if both are specified.
# * :unless: Accepts a symbol, a proc or an array of either to be evaluated when the
# parent object is updated to determine whether version creation should be skipped. +to_proc+
# is called on any symbols given and the resulting procs are called, passing in the object
# itself. If an array is given and any element evaluates as +true+, the version creation will
# be skipped.
def versioned(options = {}, &block)
return if versioned?
include Options
include Changes
include Creation
include Users
include Reversion
include Reset
include Conditions
include Control
include Tagging
include Reload
has_many :versions, options, &block
extend Configuration
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, VestalVersions)