# Ryespy Ryespy provides a simple executable for listening to IMAP mailboxes or FTP folders, keeps track of what it's seen using Redis, and notifies Redis in a way in which [Resque](https://github.com/resque/resque) and [Sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) can process using workers. Ryespy was inspired by [Redimap](https://github.com/tiredpixel/redimap). Yes, it's sometimes possible to inspire oneself. Ryespy with my little eye. More sleep lost by [tiredpixel](http://www.tiredpixel.com). ## Installation Install using: $ gem install ryespy ## Usage View the available options: $ bundle exec ryespy --help It is necessary to choose a listener (IMAP|FTP) and a notifier (Sidekiq). Check IMAP and queue new emails and quit: $ bundle exec ryespy --listener imap --imap-host mail.example.com --imap-username a@example.com --imap-password helpimacarrot --notifier-sidekiq Check FTP and queue new files and quit: $ bundle exec ryespy --listener ftp --ftp-host ftp.example.com --ftp-username b@example.com --ftp-password helpimacucumber --notifier-sidekiq IMAP SSL and FTP PASSIVE are also supported. It's also possible to watch more than one IMAP mailbox or FTP directory. The `--help` is most helpful. Use `--eternal` to run eternally. ## Growing Like Flowers Coming soon is a grand refactor sprinkled with lots of testing, ensuring that present code is stable. Then, something or other else. Like a URL notifier. Or maybe more listeners. Stay tuned -- or better still, help with the tuning. ## Contributions Contributions are embraced with much love and affection! Please fork the repository and wizard your magic, ensuring that any tests are not broken by the changes. Then send a pull request. Simples! If you'd like to discuss what you're doing or planning to do, or if you get stuck on something, then just wave. :) Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :) Tests are written using [minitest](https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest), which is included by default in Ruby 1.9 onwards. To run all tests in a pretty way: ruby -rminitest/pride test/ryespy.rb Or, if you're of that turn of mind, use [TURN](https://github.com/TwP/turn) (`gem install turn`): turn test/ryespy.rb ## Blessing May you find peace, and help others to do likewise. ## Licence © [tiredpixel](http://www.tiredpixel.com) 2013. It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in `LICENSE`.