require 'socket' require 'ipaddr' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'uri' # @author Inderpal Singh # @note supports oxd-version 3.1.2 module Oxd # A class which takes care of the socket communication with oxd Server. class OxdConnector # class constructor def initialize @command @response_json @response_object @data = @params = @response_data = @configuration = Oxd.config trigger_error("Problem with json data : authorization_redirect_uri can't be blank") if @configuration.authorization_redirect_uri.empty? trigger_error("#{@configuration.oxd_host_ip} is not a valid IP address") if ( rescue nil).nil? trigger_error("#{@configuration.oxd_host_port} is not a valid port for socket. Port must be integer and between from 0 to 65535") if (!@configuration.oxd_host_port.is_a?(Integer) || (@configuration.oxd_host_port < 0 && @configuration.oxd_host_port > 65535)) end # Checks the validity of command that is to be passed to oxd-server def validate_command command_types = ['setup_client', 'get_client_token', 'introspect_access_token', 'get_authorization_url','update_site','remove_site','get_tokens_by_code','get_access_token_by_refresh_token', 'get_user_info', 'register_site', 'get_logout_uri','get_authorization_code','uma_rs_protect','uma_rs_check_access','uma_rp_get_rpt','uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url','introspect_rpt'] if (!command_types.include?(@command)) trigger_error("Command: #{@command} does not exist! Exiting process.") end end # method to communicate with the oxd server # @param request [JSON] representation of the JSON command string # @param char_count [Integer] number of characters to read from response # @return response from the oxd Server def oxd_socket_request(request, char_count = 8192) host = @configuration.oxd_host_ip # The web server port = @configuration.oxd_host_port # Default HTTP port if(!socket =, port) ) # Connect to oxd server trigger_error("Socket Error : Couldn't connect to socket") else logger("Client: socket::socket_connect connected : #{request}") end socket.print(request) # Send request response = socket.recv(char_count) # Read response if(response) logger("Client: oxd_socket_response: #{response}") else trigger_error("Client: oxd_socket_response : Error socket reading process.") end # close connection if(socket.close) logger("Client: oxd_socket_connection : disconnected.") end return response end # method to communicate with the oxd-to-https server # @param request_params [JSON] representation of the JSON command string # @return response from the oxd-to-https server def oxd_http_request(request_params, command = "") uri = URI.parse(""+command) http ="", 8443) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request.add_field('Content-Type', 'application/json') if(@configuration.protection_access_token.present?) request.add_field('Authorization','Bearer '+@configuration.protection_access_token) end request.body = request_params logger("Sending oxd_http_request command #{command} with data #{request_params.inspect}") http_response = http.request(request) response = http_response.body logger("oxd_http_request response #{response}") return response end # @param comm [String] command string for oxd-to-http # method to send commands to the oxd server and oxd-to-http and to recieve the response via {#oxd_socket_request} # @return [JSON] response from the oxd server in JSON form def request(comm = "") uri = URI.parse(@configuration.authorization_redirect_uri) trigger_error("Please enable SSL on your website or check URIs in oxd configuration.") if (uri.scheme != 'https') validate_command if(@configuration.connection_type == 'local') jsondata = getData.to_json if(!is_json? (jsondata)) trigger_error("Sending parameters must be JSON. Exiting process.") end length = jsondata.length if( length <= 0 ) trigger_error("JSON data length must be more than zero. Exiting process.") else length = length <= 999 ? sprintf('0%d', length) : length end @response_json = oxd_socket_request((length.to_s + jsondata).encode("UTF-8")) @response_json.sub!(@response_json[0..3], "") else jsondata = @params.to_json @response_json = oxd_http_request(jsondata, comm) end if (@response_json) response = JSON.parse(@response_json) if (response['status'] == 'error') raise ServerError, response['data'] if response['data']['error'] == 'internal_error' raise NeedInfoError, response['data'] if response['data']['error'] == 'need_info' raise InvalidTicketError, response['data'] if response['data']['error'] == 'invalid_ticket' raise InvalidRequestError, response['data'] if response['data']['error'] == 'invalid_request' trigger_error("oxd Server Error : #{response['data']['error_description']}") elsif (response['status'] == 'ok') @response_object = JSON.parse(@response_json) end else trigger_error("Response is empty. Exiting process.") end return @response_object end # @return [Mixed] response object set by request method def getResponseObject return @response_object end # extracts 'data' parameter from response object # @return [Mixed] response data def getResponseData if (!@response_object) @response_data = 'Data is empty'; else @response_data = @response_object['data'] end return @response_data end # combines command and command parameters for socket request # @return [Array] @data def getData @data = {'command' => @command, 'params' => @params} return @data end # checks whether the passed string is in JSON format or not # @param string_to_validate [String] # @return [Boolean] def is_json? (string_to_validate) begin !!JSON.parse(string_to_validate) rescue false end end # Logs server response and errors to log file # @param log_msg [String], response to print in log file and raise error # @raise RuntimeError def logger(log_msg) # Initialize Log file # Location : app_root/log/oxd-ruby.log @logger ||="log/oxd-ruby.log") end # Logs generated errors to log file # @raise RuntimeError def trigger_error(msg) logger(msg) raise msg end end end