module SimpleModel module Attributes include ExtendCore extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods attr_accessor :attributes def initialize(*attrs) attrs = attrs.extract_options! attrs = attributes_for_init(attrs) attrs =,attrs) if self.class.before_initialize set(attrs) if self.class.after_initialize end def attributes @attributes ||= end # Returns true if attribute has been initialized def initialized?(attr) attributes.key?(attr) end def get(attr) send(attr) end alias :read :get # Accepts a hash where the keys are methods and the values are values to be set. # set(:foo => "bar", :dime => 0.1) def set(*attrs) attrs.extract_options!.each do |attr,val| send("#{attr}=",val) end end alias :set_attributes :set def set_attribute(attr,val) options = self.class.defined_attributes[attr] || {} if allow_attribute_action?(val,options) val = fetch_default_value(options[:default]) if (!options[:allow_blank] && options.key?(:default) && val.blank?) val = options[:on_set].call(self,val) if options[:on_set] #(!options.key?(:on_set) || (val.blank? && !options[:allow_blank]) ) send("#{attr}_will_change!") if (initialized?(attr) && val != attributes[attr]) attributes[attr] = val options[:after_set].call(self,val) if options[:after_set] end end def get_attribute(attr) val = attributes[attr] options = self.class.defined_attributes[attr] || {} if (options.key?(:default) && (!initialized?(attr) || (!options[:allow_blank] && val.blank?))) val = attributes[attr] = fetch_default_value(options[:default]) end if options[:on_get] options[:on_get].call(self,val) else val end end def get_attribute?(attr) return false unless val = get_attribute(attr) if val.respond_to?(:blank?) return !val.blank? elsif val.respond_to?(:to_b) return val.to_b end !val.nil? end private def attribute_defined?(attr) self.class.attribute_defined?(attr) end def fetch_default_value(arg) return send(arg) if (arg.is_a?(Symbol) && self.respond_to?(arg)) arg end # Returns attribute that have defaults in a hash: {:attribute => "default value"} # Checks for alias attributes to ensure they are not overwritten def attributes_for_init(attrs) d = (attrs.is_a?(HashWithIndifferentAccess) ? attrs : attrs.with_indifferent_access ) self.class.defined_attributes.each do |k,v| if allow_init_default?(d,k,v) d[k] = fetch_default_value(v[:default]) end end d end # Only set default if there is a default value, initializing is allow and # new attributes do not have a value to set and def allow_init_default?(d,k,v) (v[:default] && v[:initialize] && (!d.key?(k) && !attributes_have_alias?(d,k))) end def attributes_have_alias?(attrs,attr) !({ |a, m| (m == attr.to_sym && attrs.key?(a)) }).empty? end def allow_attribute_action?(val,options) return true unless (options[:if] || options[:unless]) b = true opt = options[:if] if opt.is_a?(Symbol) if opt == :blank b = val.blank? else b = send(opt) end elsif opt.is_a?(Proc) b =,val) end opt = options[:unless] if opt.is_a?(Symbol) if opt == :blank b = !val.blank? else b = !send(opt) end elsif opt.is_a?(Proc) b = !,val) end b end # Rails 3.2 + required when searching for attributes in from inherited classes/models def attribute(attr) get_attribute(attr) end module ClassMethods DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_SETTINGS = {:attributes_method => :attributes, :allow_blank => true, :initialize => true }.freeze AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS = { :has_attribute => {:alias => :has_attributes}, :has_boolean => {:cast_to => :to_b, :alias => :has_booleans}, :has_currency => {:cast_to => :to_d, :alias => :has_currencies}, :has_date => {:cast_to => :to_date, :alias => :has_dates} , :has_decimal => {:cast_to => :to_d, :alias => :has_decimals}, :has_float => {:cast_to => :to_f, :alias => :has_floats}, :has_int => {:cast_to => :to_i, :alias => :has_ints}, :has_time => {:cast_to => :to_time, :alias => :has_times} }.freeze AVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS.each do |method,method_options| define_method(method) do |*attributes| options = default_attribute_settings.merge(attributes.extract_options!) options[:on_set] = lambda {|obj,val| val.send(method_options[:cast_to]) } if method_options[:cast_to] create_attribute_methods(attributes,options) end module_eval("alias #{method_options[:alias]} #{method}") end # Creates a new instance where the attributes store is set to object # provided, which allows one to pass a session store hash or any other # hash-like object to be used for persistence. Typically used for modeling # session stores for authorization or shopping carts # EX: # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # def session_user # session[:user] ||= {} # @session_user ||= SessionUser.new_with_store(session[:user]) # end # helper_method :session_user # end # def new_with_store(session_hash) nw = nw.attributes = session_hash nw.set(nw.send(:attributes_for_init,session_hash)) nw end def alias_attributes @alias_attributes ||= end def alias_attributes=alias_attributes @alias_attributes = alias_attributes end def defined_attributes @defined_attributes ||= end def defined_attributes=defined_attributes @defined_attributes = defined_attributes end def attribute_defined?(attr) defined_attributes.key?(attr) end # The default settings for a SimpeModel class # Options: # * :on_set - accepts a lambda that is run when an attribute is set # * :on_get - accepts a lambda that is run when you get/read an attribute # * :default - the default value for the attribute, can be a symbol that is sent for a method # * :initialize - informations the object whether or not it should initialize the attribute with :default value, defaults to true # ** If :initialize is set to false you must set :allow_blank to false or it will never set the default value # * :allow_blank - when set to false, if an attributes value is blank attempts to set the default value, defaults to true def default_attribute_settings @default_attribute_settings ||= DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_SETTINGS end def default_attribute_settings=default_attribute_settings @default_attribute_settings = default_attribute_settings end # We want to re-run define_attribute_methods since attributes are not all defined # at once, so we must set @attribute_methods_generated to nil to allow the # re-run to occur ONLY IN RAILS 3.0. def add_defined_attribute(attr,options) defined_attributes[attr] = options @attribute_methods_generated = nil #if (ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveModel::VERSION::MINOR == 0) define_attribute_methods(defined_attributes_keys) end # We don't want to call define_attribute_methods on methods defined in the parent class def defined_attributes_keys dak = defined_attributes.keys dak = dak - superclass.defined_attributes.keys if superclass.respond_to?(:defined_attributes) dak end # builds the setter and getter methods def create_attribute_methods(attributes,options) unless attributes.blank? attributes.each do |attr| define_setter_with_options(attr,options) define_reader_with_options(attr,options) add_defined_attribute(attr,options) end end end def define_reader_with_options(attr,options) define_method(attr) do get_attribute(attr) end define_method("#{attr}?") do get_attribute?(attr) end end # Creates setter methods for the provided attributes # On set, it will mark the attribute as changed if the attributes has been # initialized. def define_setter_with_options(attr,options) define_method("#{attr}=") do |val| set_attribute(attr,val) end end # Creates alias setter and getter for the supplied attribute using the supplied alias # See spec for example. def alias_attribute(new_alias,attr) # get to the base attribute while alias_attributes[attr] attr = alias_attributes[attr] end raise UndefinedAttribute, "#{attr} is not a defined attribute so it cannot be aliased" unless defined_attributes[attr] alias_attributes[new_alias] = attr define_method(new_alias) do send(attr) end define_method("#{new_alias}?") do send("#{attr}?") end define_method("#{new_alias}=") do |*args, &block| send("#{attr}=",*args, &block) end end # A hook to perform actions on the pending attributes or the object before # the pending attributes have been initialized. # Expects an lambda that accept the object, the pending attributes hash and # should return a hash to be set # EX: lambda {|obj,attrs|{|k,v| !v.blank?}} def before_initialize @before_initialize end # Expects an lambda that accept the object, the pending attributes hash and # should return a hash to be set # EX: lambda {|obj,attrs|{|k,v| !v.blank?}} def before_initialize=before_initialize raise TypeError "before_initialize must be a lambda that accepts the attributes to be initialize" unless before_initialize.is_a?(Proc) @before_initialize = before_initialize end # A hook to perform actions after all attributes have been initialized # Expects an lambda that accept the object and the pending attributes hash # EX: lambda {|obj| puts "initialized"} def after_initialize @after_initialize end # Expects an lambda that accept the object and the pending attributes hash # EX: lambda {|obj| puts "initialized"} def after_initialize=after_initialize raise TypeError "after_initalize must be a Proc" unless after_initialize.is_a?(Proc) @after_initialize = after_initialize end # Must inherit super's defined_attributes and alias_attributes # Rails 3.0 does some weird stuff with ActiveModel::Dirty so we need a # hack to keep things working when a class inherits from a super that # has ActiveModel::Dirty included def inherited(base) base.defined_attributes = defined_attributes.merge(base.defined_attributes) base.alias_attributes = alias_attributes.merge(base.alias_attributes) super # Rails 3.0 Hack if (ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveModel::VERSION::MINOR == 0) base.attribute_method_suffix '_changed?', '_change', '_will_change!', '_was' base.attribute_method_affix :prefix => 'reset_', :suffix => '!' end end end # end ClassMethods # Rails 3.0 does some weird stuff with ActiveModel::Dirty so we need a # hack to keep things working when a class includes a module that has # ActiveModel::Dirty included def self.included(base) base.extend(Attributes::ClassMethods) base.send(:include, ActiveModel::Dirty) base.send(:include, ActiveModel::Validations) base.send(:include, ActiveModel::Conversion) base.extend ActiveModel::Naming base.extend ActiveModel::Callbacks base.send(:include, ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks) # Rails 3.0 Hack if (ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveModel::VERSION::MINOR == 0) base.attribute_method_suffix '_changed?', '_change', '_will_change!', '_was' base.attribute_method_affix :prefix => 'reset_', :suffix => '!' end end end end