#!/usr/bin/env ruby begin require 'rbs' rescue LoadError # If we can't load the rbs gem, then we're going to provide a shim parser that # will warn and bail out. class Prettier::RBSParser def self.parse(text) warn( 'The `rbs` gem could not be loaded. Please ensure you have it ' \ 'installed and that it is available in the gem path.' ) false end end return end # Monkey-patch this so that we can get the character positions. class RBS::Location def to_json(*args) { start: { line: start_line, column: start_column }, end: { line: end_line, column: end_column }, start_pos: start_pos, end_pos: end_pos }.to_json(*args) end end # Monkey-patch this so that we get whether or not it needs to be escaped. class RBS::Types::Function::Param def to_json(*a) escaped = name && /\A#{RBS::Parser::KEYWORDS_RE}\z/.match?(name) { type: type, name: name, escaped: escaped }.to_json(*a) end end # Monkey-patch this so that we get the name field in the serialized JSON, as # well as information about whether or not we need to escape it. class RBS::AST::Members::MethodDefinition def to_json(*a) { member: :method_definition, name: name, kind: kind, types: types, annotations: annotations, location: location, comment: comment, overload: overload }.to_json(*a) end end # Monkey-patch this so that we get the information we need about how to join the # key-value pairs of the record. class RBS::Types::Record def to_json(*a) fields_extra = {} # Explicitly not using Enumerable#to_h here to support Ruby 2.5 fields.each do |key, type| if key.is_a?(Symbol) && key.match?(/\A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_]*\z/) && !key.match?(RBS::Parser::KEYWORDS_RE) fields_extra[key] = { type: type, joiner: :label } else fields_extra[key.inspect] = { type: type, joiner: :rocket } end end { class: :record, fields: fields_extra, location: location }.to_json(*a) end end # The main parser interface. module Prettier class RBSParser def self.parse(text) { declarations: RBS::Parser.parse_signature(text) } rescue StandardError false end end end