# Configurable Logo Used for CartoDB export APPLICATION_LOGO_URL: 'http://geoblacklight.org/images/geoblacklight-logo.png' # Carto OneClick Service https://carto.com/engine/open-in-carto/ CARTO_ONECLICK_LINK: 'http://oneclick.carto.com/' # Hide Carto export link # CARTO_HIDE: true # Hide ArcGIS export link # ARCGIS_HIDE: true # ArcGIS Online Base URL ARCGIS_BASE_URL: 'https://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html' # Download path can be configured using this setting #DOWNLOAD_PATH: "./tmp/cache/downloads" # DEPRECATED Main Solr geometry field used for spatial search and bounding box. Should be type 'rpt' GEOMETRY_FIELD: 'solr_geom' # The bq boost value for spatial search matches within a bounding box BBOX_WITHIN_BOOST: '10' # The bf boost value for overlap ratio OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST: '2' # Solr field mappings FIELDS: :FILE_FORMAT: 'dc_format_s' :GEOMETRY: 'solr_geom' :WXS_IDENTIFIER: 'layer_id_s' :RIGHTS: 'dc_rights_s' :PROVENANCE: 'dct_provenance_s' :GEOM_TYPE: 'layer_geom_type_s' :SPATIAL_COVERAGE: 'dct_spatial_sm' :SUBJECT: 'dc_subject_sm' :REFERENCES: 'dct_references_s' :YEAR: 'solr_year_i' :CREATOR: 'dc_creator_sm' :DESCRIPTION: 'dc_description_s' :PUBLISHER: 'dc_publisher_s' :PART_OF: 'dct_isPartOf_sm' :TEMPORAL: 'dct_temporal_sm' :TITLE: 'dc_title_s' :SOURCE: 'dc_source_sm' :ISSUED: 'dct_issued_s' # Institution deployed at INSTITUTION: 'Stanford' # Metadata shown in tool panel METADATA_SHOWN: - 'mods' - 'fgdc' - 'iso19139' - 'html' # (For external Download) timeout and open_timeout parameters for Faraday TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD: 16 # (For WMS inspection) timeout and open_timeout parameters for Faraday TIMEOUT_WMS: 4 # Use the geometry type for the data relations icon USE_GEOM_FOR_RELATIONS_ICON: false # Web services shown in tool panel WEBSERVICES_SHOWN: - 'wms' - 'wfs' - 'iiif' - 'feature_layer' - 'tiled_map_layer' - 'dynamic_map_layer' - 'image_map_layer' # WMS Parameters WMS_PARAMS: :SERVICE: 'WMS' :VERSION: '1.1.1' :REQUEST: 'GetFeatureInfo' :STYLES: '' :SRS: 'EPSG:4326' :EXCEPTIONS: 'application/json' :INFO_FORMAT: 'text/html' # Settings for leaflet OPACITY_CONTROL: &opacity_control CONTROLS: - 'Opacity' LEAFLET: MAP: LAYERS: DETECT_RETINA: true INDEX: DEFAULT: &default color: "#1eb300" weight: "1" radius: "4" UNAVAILABLE: <<: *default color: "#b3001e" SELECTED: <<: *default color: "#006bde" VIEWERS: WMS: <<: *opacity_control TILEDMAPLAYER: <<: *opacity_control FEATURELAYER: <<: *opacity_control DYNAMICMAPLAYER: <<: *opacity_control IMAGEMAPLAYER: <<: *opacity_control # Toggle the help text feature that offers users context HELP_TEXT: viewer_protocol: - 'dynamic_map_layer' - 'feature_layer' - 'iiif' - 'iiif_manifest' - 'image_map_layer' - 'index_map' - 'tiled_map_layer' - 'wms' - 'oembed'