module FaaStRuby module Command module Function class New < FunctionBaseCommand def initialize(args) @args = args @missing_args = [] FaaStRuby::CLI.error(@missing_args, color: nil) if missing_args.any? @function_name = @args.shift @base_dir = "./#{@function_name}" parse_options @options['template_path'] ||= 'templates/ruby' @options['template'] ||= 'example' @options['runtime_name'] ||= 'ruby' @options['runtime_version'] ||= '2.5.3' @yaml_content = yaml_for(@options['runtime_name']) end def run dir_exists? unless @options['force'] copy_template write_yaml post_tasks(@options['runtime_name']) end def "new".light_cyan + " FUNCTION_NAME [--blank] [--force] [--runtime]" + <<-EOS --blank # Create a blank function --force # Continue if directory already exists and overwrite files --runtime # Choose the runtime. Options are: #{SUPPORTED_RUNTIMES.join(', ')} EOS end def usage "Usage: faastruby #{}" end private def parse_options @options = {} while @args.any? option = @args.shift case option when '--runtime' @options['runtime'] = @args.shift @options['runtime_name'], @options['runtime_version'] = @options['runtime'].split(':') @options['template_path'] = "templates/#{@options['runtime_name']}" FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["Unsupported runtime: #{@options['runtime']}".red, "Supported values are #{SUPPORTED_RUNTIMES.join(", ")}"], color: nil) unless SUPPORTED_RUNTIMES.include?(@options['runtime']) when '-f', '--force' @options['force'] = true when '--blank' @options['template'] = 'example-blank' else FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["Unknown argument: #{option}".red, usage], color: nil) end end end def dir_exists? return unless print "The folder '#{@function_name}' already exists. Overwrite files? [y/N] " response = STDIN.gets.chomp FaaStRuby::CLI.error("Cancelled", color: nil) unless response == 'y' end def missing_args if @args.empty? @missing_args << "Missing argument: FUNCTION_NAME".red @missing_args << usage end @missing_args end def copy_template source = "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("faastruby").gem_dir}/#{@options['template_path']}/#{@options['template']}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(@base_dir) FileUtils.cp_r("#{source}/.", "#{@base_dir}/") case @options['runtime_name'] when 'ruby' puts "+ d #{@base_dir}".green puts "+ d #{@base_dir}/spec".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/spec/handler_spec.rb".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/spec/spec_helper.rb".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/Gemfile".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/handler.rb".green when 'crystal' puts "+ d #{@base_dir}".green puts "+ d #{@base_dir}/spec".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/spec/".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/spec/".green puts "+ d #{@base_dir}/src".green puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/src/".green end end def yaml_for(runtime_name) case runtime_name when 'crystal' test_command = 'crystal spec --no-color' when 'ruby' test_command = 'rspec' else test_command = 'rspec' end { 'name' => @function_name, 'runtime' => @options['runtime'] || 'ruby:2.5.3', 'test_command' => test_command, 'abort_build_when_tests_fail' => true, 'abort_deploy_when_tests_fail' => true } end def write_yaml write_file("#{@base_dir}/faastruby.yml", @yaml_content.to_yaml) end def post_tasks(runtime_name) case runtime_name when 'ruby' bundle_install when 'crystal' write_shards_file shards_install else bundle_install end end def bundle_install spinner = spin("Installing gems...") system("bundle install --gemfile=#{@base_dir}/Gemfile > /dev/null") spinner.stop('Done!') end def write_shards_file shards = { 'name' => @function_name, 'version' => '0.1.0', 'crystal' => @options['runtime_version'], 'targets' => { @function_name => { 'main' => 'src/' } }, 'development_dependencies' => { 'faastruby-spec-helper' => { 'github' => 'faastruby/', 'version' => '~> 0.1.0' } } }.to_yaml write_file("#{@base_dir}/shard.yml", shards) end def shards_install spinner = spin("Installing shards...") system("cd #{@base_dir} && shards install > /dev/null") spinner.stop('Done!') end end end end end