# -*- ruby -*- # # Test script, demonstrating a non-poll notification for a table event. # BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).expand_path.dirname.parent libdir = basedir + 'lib' $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) } require 'yugabyte_ysql' TRIGGER_TABLE = %{ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test ( message text ); } TRIGGER_FUNCTION = %{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_test() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN NOTIFY woo; RETURN NULL; END $$ } DROP_TRIGGER = %{ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS notify_trigger ON test } TRIGGER = %{ CREATE TRIGGER notify_trigger AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT OR DELETE ON test FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_test(); } conn = YugabyteYSQL.connect(:dbname => 'test' ) conn.exec( TRIGGER_TABLE ) conn.exec( TRIGGER_FUNCTION ) conn.exec( DROP_TRIGGER ) conn.exec( TRIGGER ) conn.exec( 'LISTEN woo' ) # register interest in the 'woo' event notifications = [] puts "Now switch to a different term and run:", '', %{ psql test -c "insert into test values ('A message.')"}, '' puts "Waiting up to 30 seconds for for an event!" conn.wait_for_notify( 30 ) do |notify, pid| notifications << [ pid, notify ] end if notifications.empty? puts "Awww, I didn't see any events." else puts "I got one from pid %d: %s" % notifications.first end