require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require "om" describe "OM::XML::DynamicNode" do before(:each) do @sample = OM::Samples::ModsArticle.from_xml( fixture( File.join("test_dummy_mods.xml") ) ) @article = OM::Samples::ModsArticle.from_xml( fixture( File.join("mods_articles","hydrangea_article1.xml") ) ) end describe "dynamically created nodes" do it "should return build an array of values from the nodeset corresponding to the given term" do expected_values = ["Berners-Lee", "Jobs", "Wozniak", "Klimt"] result = @sample.person.last_name result.length.should == expected_values.length expected_values.each {|v| result.should include(v)} end it "should be able to set first level elements" do @article.abstract = "My Abstract" @article.abstract.should == ["My Abstract"] end describe "setting attributes" do it "when they exist" do @article.title_info(0).main_title.main_title_lang = "ger" @article.title_info(0).main_title.main_title_lang.should == ["ger"] end it "when they don't exist" do title = @article.title_info(0) title.language = "rus" @article.title_info(0).language.should == ["rus"] end end it "should find elements two deep" do #TODO reimplement so that method_missing with name is only called once. Create a new method for name. == ["Describes a person"] == ["Describes a person"] == ["Describes a person"] end it "should not find elements that don't exist" do lambda {}.should raise_exception NoMethodError end it "should allow you to call methods on the return value" do == "Describes a person" end it "Should work with proxies" do @article.title.should == ["ARTICLE TITLE HYDRANGEA ARTICLE 1", "Artikkelin otsikko Hydrangea artiklan 1", "TITLE OF HOST JOURNAL"] @article.title.main_title_lang.should == ['eng'] @article.title(1).to_pointer.should == [{:title => 1}] @article.journal_title.xpath.should == "//oxns:relatedItem[@type=\"host\"]/oxns:titleInfo/oxns:title" @article.journal_title.should == ["TITLE OF HOST JOURNAL"] end it "Should be addressable to a specific node" do @article.update_values( {[{:journal=>0}, {:issue=>3}, :pages, :start]=>{"0"=>"434"} }) @article.subject.topic(1).to_pointer == [:subject, {:topic => 1}] @article.journal(0).issue.length.should == 2 @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.to_pointer == [{:journal=>0}, {:issue=>1}, :pages] @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.length.should == 1 @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start.length.should == 1 @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start.first.should == "434" @article.subject.topic(1).should == ["TOPIC 2"] @article.subject.topic(1).xpath.should == "//oxns:subject/oxns:topic[2]" end describe ".nodeset" do it "should return a Nokogiri NodeSet" do @article.update_values( {[{:journal=>0}, {:issue=>3}, :pages, :start]=>{"0"=>"434"} }) nodeset = @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start.nodeset nodeset.should be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet nodeset.length.should == @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start.length nodeset.first.text.should == @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start.first end end it "should append nodes at the specified index if possible, setting dirty to true if the object responds to dirty" do @article.stubs(:respond_to?).with(:dirty=).returns(true) @article.expects(:dirty=).with(true).twice @article.journal.title_info = ["all", "for", "the"] @article.journal.title_info(3, 'glory') @article.term_values(:journal, :title_info).should == ["all", "for", "the", "glory"] end end end