# Fact: ipaddress6 # # Purpose: Returns the "main" IPv6 IP address of a system. # # Resolution: # OS dependant code that parses the output of various networking # tools and currently not very intelligent. Returns the first # non-loopback and non-linklocal address found in the ouput unless # a default route can be mapped to a routeable interface. Guessing # an interface is currently only possible with BSD type systems # to many assumptions have to be made on other platforms to make # this work with the current code. Most code ported or modeled # after the ipaddress fact for the sake of similar functionality # and familiar mechanics. # # Caveats: # # Cody Herriges # # Used the ipaddress fact that is already part of # Facter as a template. def get_address_after_token(output, token, return_first=false) ip = nil output.scan(/#{token} ((?>[0-9,a-f,A-F]*\:{1,2})+[0-9,a-f,A-F]{0,4})/).each do |match| match = match.first unless match =~ /fe80.*/ or match == "::1" ip = match break if return_first end end ip end Facter.add(:ipaddress6) do confine :kernel => :linux setcode do output = Facter::Util::IP.exec_ifconfig(["2>/dev/null"]) get_address_after_token(output, 'inet6(?: addr:)?') end end Facter.add(:ipaddress6) do confine :kernel => %w{SunOS} setcode do output = Facter::Util::IP.exec_ifconfig(["-a"]) get_address_after_token(output, 'inet6') end end Facter.add(:ipaddress6) do confine :kernel => %w{Darwin FreeBSD OpenBSD} setcode do output = Facter::Util::IP.exec_ifconfig(["-a"]) get_address_after_token(output, 'inet6', true) end end Facter.add(:ipaddress6) do confine :kernel => :windows setcode do output = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("#{ENV['SYSTEMROOT']}/system32/netsh.exe interface ipv6 show address level=verbose") get_address_after_token(output, 'Address', true) end end