require 'uri' require 'js_routes/engine' if defined?(Rails) require 'js_routes/version' class JsRoutes # # OPTIONS # DEFAULT_PATH = File.join('app','assets','javascripts','routes.js') DEFAULTS = { namespace: "Routes", exclude: [], include: //, file: DEFAULT_PATH, prefix: -> { Rails.application.config.relative_url_root || "" }, url_links: false, camel_case: false, default_url_options: {}, compact: false, serializer: nil, special_options_key: "_options", application: -> { Rails.application } } NODE_TYPES = { GROUP: 1, CAT: 2, SYMBOL: 3, OR: 4, STAR: 5, LITERAL: 6, SLASH: 7, DOT: 8 } LAST_OPTIONS_KEY = "options".freeze FILTERED_DEFAULT_PARTS = [:controller, :action] URL_OPTIONS = [:protocol, :domain, :host, :port, :subdomain] class Configuration <*DEFAULTS.keys) def initialize(attributes = nil) assign(DEFAULTS) return unless attributes assign(attributes) end def assign(attributes) attributes.each do |attribute, value| value = if value.is_a?(Proc) send(:"#{attribute}=", value) end self end def [](attribute) send(attribute) end def merge(attributes) clone.assign(attributes) end def to_hash Hash[*].symbolize_keys end end # # API # class << self def setup(&block) configuration.tap(&block) if block end def options ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('JsRoutes.options method is deprecated use JsRoutes.configuration instead') configuration end def configuration @configuration ||= end def generate(opts = {}) new(opts).generate end def generate!(file_name=nil, opts = {}) if file_name.is_a?(Hash) opts = file_name file_name = opts[:file] end new(opts).generate!(file_name) end def json(string) ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(string) end end # # Implementation # def initialize(options = {}) @configuration = self.class.configuration.merge(options) end def generate # Ensure routes are loaded. If they're not, load them. if named_routes.to_a.empty? && application.respond_to?(:reload_routes!) application.reload_routes! end { 'GEM_VERSION' => JsRoutes::VERSION, 'ROUTES' => js_routes, 'NODE_TYPES' => json(NODE_TYPES), 'RAILS_VERSION' => ActionPack.version, 'DEPRECATED_GLOBBING_BEHAVIOR' => ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 && ActionPack::VERSION::MINOR == 0, 'APP_CLASS' => application.class.to_s, 'NAMESPACE' => json(@configuration.namespace), 'DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS' => json(@configuration.default_url_options), 'PREFIX' => json(@configuration.prefix), 'SPECIAL_OPTIONS_KEY' => json(@configuration.special_options_key), 'SERIALIZER' => @configuration.serializer || json(nil), }.inject( + "/routes.js")) do |js, (key, value)| js.gsub!(key, value.to_s) end end def generate!(file_name = nil) # Some libraries like Devise do not yet loaded their routes so we will wait # until initialization process finish # Rails.configuration.after_initialize do file_name ||= self.class.configuration['file'] file_path = Rails.root.join(file_name) js_content = generate # We don't need to rewrite file if it already exist and have same content. # It helps asset pipeline or webpack understand that file wasn't changed. next if File.exist?(file_path) && == js_content, 'w') do |f| f.write js_content end end end protected def application @configuration.application end def named_routes application.routes.named_routes.to_a end def js_routes js_routes = named_routes.sort_by(&:first).flat_map do |_, route| [build_route_if_match(route)] + mounted_app_routes(route) end.compact "{\n" + js_routes.join(",\n") + "}\n" end def mounted_app_routes(route) rails_engine_app = get_app_from_route(route) if rails_engine_app.respond_to?(:superclass) && rails_engine_app.superclass == Rails::Engine && !route.path.anchored do |_, engine_route| build_route_if_match(engine_route, route) end else [] end end def get_app_from_route(route) # rails engine in Rails 4.2 use additional # ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Constraints, which contain app if && else end end def build_route_if_match(route, parent_route = nil) if any_match?(route, parent_route, @configuration[:exclude]) || !any_match?(route, parent_route, @configuration[:include]) nil else build_js(route, parent_route) end end def any_match?(route, parent_route, matchers) full_route = [parent_route.try(:name),].compact.join('_') matchers = Array(matchers) matchers.any? { |regex| full_route =~ regex } end def build_js(route, parent_route) name = [parent_route.try(:name),].compact route_name = generate_route_name(name, (:path unless @configuration[:compact])) parent_spec = parent_route.try(:path).try(:spec) route_arguments = route_js_arguments(route, parent_spec) url_link = generate_url_link(name, route_arguments) _ = <<-JS.strip! // #{name.join('.')} => #{parent_spec}#{route.path.spec} // function(#{build_params(route.required_parts)}) #{route_name}: Utils.route(#{route_arguments})#{",\n" + url_link if url_link.length > 0} JS end def route_js_arguments(route, parent_spec) required_parts = route.required_parts parts_table ={}) do |part, hash| hash[part] = required_parts.include?(part) end default_options = do |part, _| FILTERED_DEFAULT_PARTS.exclude?(part) && URL_OPTIONS.include?(part) || parts_table[part] end [ # JS objects don't preserve the order of properties which is crucial, # so array is a better choice. parts_table.to_a, default_options, serialize(route.path.spec, parent_spec) ].map do |argument| json(argument) end.join(', ') end def generate_url_link(name, route_arguments) return '' unless @configuration[:url_links] <<-JS.strip! #{generate_route_name(name, :url)}: Utils.route(#{route_arguments}, true) JS end def generate_route_name(*parts) route_name = parts.compact.join('_') @configuration[:camel_case] ? route_name.camelize(:lower) : route_name end def json(string) self.class.json(string) end def build_params(required_parts) params = required_parts + [LAST_OPTIONS_KEY] params.join(', ') end # This function serializes Journey route into JSON structure # We do not use Hash for human readable serialization # And preffer Array serialization because it is shorter. # Routes.js file will be smaller. def serialize(spec, parent_spec=nil) return nil unless spec # Rails 4 globbing requires * removal return':*', '') if spec.is_a?(String) result = serialize_spec(spec, parent_spec) if parent_spec && result[1].is_a?(String) result = [ # We encode node symbols as integer # to reduce the routes.js file size NODE_TYPES[:CAT], serialize_spec(parent_spec), result ] end result end def serialize_spec(spec, parent_spec = nil) [ NODE_TYPES[spec.type], serialize(spec.left, parent_spec), spec.respond_to?(:right) && serialize(spec.right) ] end end