#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Authors:: sgomes@google.com (Sérgio Gomes) # jeffy@google.com (Jeffrey Posnick) # chanezon@google.com (Patrick Chanezon) # leavengood@gmail.com (Ryan Leavengood) # # Copyright:: Copyright 2009, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # License:: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Rakefile for adwords4r. # A little trick so we can load things from the lib/ directory without having # to patch the "require" statements in the files $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') require 'fileutils' require 'net/https' require 'logger' require 'rubygems' gem 'rake' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' gem 'soap4r' require 'wsdl/soap/wsdl2ruby' require 'xsd/codegen/classdef' require 'adwords4r/services' require 'adwords4r/apiextensions' require 'adwords4r/generator' # Configure some constants and built-in tasks CURRENT_VERSION = '17.2.0' PKG_VERSION = ENV['REL'] ? ENV['REL'] : CURRENT_VERSION WSDLDIR = 'wsdl' LIBDIR = 'lib' DOCDIR = 'doc' TESTDIR = 'test' GENDIR = File.join(LIBDIR, 'adwords4r') SRC_RB = FileList["#{LIBDIR}/**/*.rb"] logger = Logger.new(STDERR) CLEAN.include(WSDLDIR) CLEAN.include(DOCDIR) AdWords::Service.get_versions.each do |version| version_name = "v#{version}" CLEAN.include(File.join(GENDIR, version_name)) end CLOBBER.include('pkg') # ==================================================================== # Create a default task to prepare library for usage. desc "gets the wsdl and generates the classes" task :default => [:getwsdl, :generate] # ==================================================================== # Create a task to retrieve the WSDL files for the services. desc "gets the wsdl files for AdWords services" task :getwsdl do AdWords::Service.get_versions.each do |version| version_name = "v#{version}" mkdir_p File.join(WSDLDIR, version_name) AdWords::Service.get_services(version).each do |service| if version.is_a? Integer subdir = AdWords::Service.get_subdir(version, service) save(getfile("adwords.google.com", "/api/adwords/#{subdir}#{service}Service?wsdl"), get_wsdl_file_name(version_name, service)) end end end end # Return the full file name of the WSDL file for a given version and service def get_wsdl_file_name(version_name, service) File.join(WSDLDIR, version_name, service) + '.wsdl' end # Download a file, given a remote host and path (assume HTTPS) def getfile(host, path) puts "getting https://#{host}#{path}" https = Net::HTTP.new(host, 443) https.use_ssl = true https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE https.start { |w| w.get2(path).body } end # Apply fixes to the WSDL content in order to make it understandable for the # soap4r code generator. The fixes are applied to the original object. def fix_wsdl!(wsdl) ['type', 'base'].each do |name| ['long', 'string', 'date', 'int', 'boolean'].each do |type| # Fix this attribute over the entire document wsdl.gsub!(Regexp.new("#{name}=\"#{type}\""), "#{name}=\"xsd:#{type}\"") end end schema_ns = "xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"" if wsdl !~ Regexp.new(schema_ns) wsdl.gsub!(/(]*)>/, '\1 ' + schema_ns + '>') end return wsdl end # Saves this document to the specified path. # Doesn't create the file if a 404 error page is returned. def save(content, path) if content !~ /

Error 404<\/H2>/ File::open(path, 'w') {|f| f.write(fix_wsdl!(content))} end end # ==================================================================== # Create a task to generate all the service classes. desc "generates AdWords classes from the wsdl files" task :generate do AdWords::Service.get_versions.each do |version| version_name = "v#{version}" gendir = File.join(LIBDIR, 'adwords4r', version_name) mkdir_p gendir AdWords::Service.get_services(version).each do |service| # Generate SOAP classes with soap4r service_name = service + 'Service' worker = WSDL::SOAP::WSDL2Ruby.new worker.logger = logger worker.location = get_wsdl_file_name(version_name, service) worker.basedir = gendir worker.opt.update(get_wsdl_opt(version_name, service_name)) worker.run # Fix the "require" statements so that they work in the client library's # directory structure fix_import(version_name, File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}Driver.rb")) fix_import(version_name, File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}MappingRegistry.rb")) fix_import(version_name, File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}.rb")) # Fix the comments in the file so that we get better-looking RDoc, and # only for the things we want fix_rdoc(File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}.rb")) # Generate the wrapper files eval("require '#{File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}Driver.rb")}'") wrapper_file = File.join(gendir, "#{service_name}Wrapper.rb") File.open(wrapper_file, 'w') do |file| file.write(AdWords::Generator.generate_wrapper_class(version, service)) end puts "Generated #{version_name} #{service_name} wrapper: #{wrapper_file}" end end end # Fix "require" statements for client lib usage def fix_import(version_name, file) tempfile = file + '.tmp' outfile = File.new(tempfile, 'w') File.open(file, 'r') do |infile| infile.each do |line| if (line =~ /require.*Service.*\.rb/) outfile << line.gsub(/require '(.*)Service(.*)\.rb'/, "require 'adwords4r/#{version_name}/\\1Service\\2'") else outfile << line end end end outfile.close File.rename(tempfile, file) end # Fix RDoc comments in the generated *Service.rb files def fix_rdoc(file) tempfile = file + '.tmp' outfile = File.new(tempfile, 'w') should_doc = true File.open(file, 'r') do |infile| infile.each do |line| if (line =~ /# \{.*\}[A-Z]\w*/) # This is a regular class. Document and clean up how it's displayed. should_doc = true outfile << line.gsub(/\{.*\}(.*)/, "\\1") elsif (line =~ /# \{.*\}[a-z]\w*/) # This is a method wrapping class. Do not document, but still clean up # its comment. should_doc = false outfile << line.gsub(/\{.*\}(.*)/, "\\1") elsif (line =~ /# \w+/) # Itemize member variables outfile << line.gsub(/# (.*)/, "# - \\1") elsif (line =~ /class [A-Z].*/) if should_doc outfile << line else # Avoid documenting the method classes, since they're made invisible # thanks to our service wrappers outfile << line.gsub(/(.*)(\w)/, "\\1\\2 #:nodoc: all") end else outfile << line end end end outfile.close File.rename(tempfile, file) end # Create options to be used for class generation from WSDL def get_wsdl_opt(version_name, service_name) optcmd= {} optcmd['classdef'] = service_name optcmd['force'] = true optcmd['mapping_registry'] = true optcmd['driver'] = nil # Causes soap4r to wrap the classes it outputs into the given modules optcmd['module_path'] = ['AdWords', version_name.capitalize, service_name] return optcmd end # ==================================================================== # Create a task to build the RDOC documentation tree. Rake::RDocTask.new("rdoc") do |rdoc| # Try to use SDoc to generate the docs begin require 'sdoc' rdoc.options << '--fmt' << 'shtml' rdoc.template = 'direct' rescue LoadError # Do nothing, give up on SDoc and continue with whatever is the default. end rdoc.rdoc_dir = DOCDIR rdoc.title = 'adwords4r -- Client library for the AdWords API' rdoc.main = 'Readme.txt' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('Readme.txt', 'License.txt', 'ChangeLog.txt') rdoc.rdoc_files.include("#{LIBDIR}/*.rb", "#{LIBDIR}/adwords4r/*.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("#{LIBDIR}/adwords4r/v*/*Wrapper.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("#{LIBDIR}/adwords4r/v*/*Service.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.exclude("#{LIBDIR}/adwords4r/soap4rpatches.rb") end # ==================================================================== # Create a task to perform the unit testing. Rake::TestTask.new("test") do |test| test.libs << TESTDIR test.pattern = "#{TESTDIR}/test_*.rb" test.verbose = true end # ==================================================================== # Create a task that will package the Rake software into distributable # gem files. PKG_FILES = FileList[ '*.*', 'Rakefile', "#{LIBDIR}/**/*.rb", "#{LIBDIR}/adwords4r/data/*.*", 'examples/**/*.rb', "#{DOCDIR}/**/*.*", "#{TESTDIR}/**/*.*" ] PKG_FILES.exclude(/\._/) if ! defined?(Gem) puts "Package Target requires RubyGems" else spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| # Basic information s.name = 'adwords4r' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = 'Client library for the AdWords API.' description = "Adwords4r provides an easy to use way to access the " + "AdWords API in Ruby.\nCurrently the following AdWords API versions " + "are supported:" AdWords::Service.get_versions.each do |version| description += "\n * V#{version}" end s.description = description # Files and dependencies s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_path = LIBDIR s.add_dependency('soap4r', '= 1.5.8') s.add_dependency('httpclient', '>= 2.1.2') # RDoc information s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = ['Readme.txt'] s.rdoc_options << '--main' << 'Readme.txt' # Metadata s.authors = ['Sergio Gomes', 'Jeffrey Posnick', 'Patrick Chanezon', 'Ryan Leavengood'] s.email = 'api.sgomes@gmail.com' s.homepage = 'http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-ruby/' s.rubyforge_project = 'adwords4r' s.requirements << 'soap4r v1.5.8' s.requirements << 'httpclient v2.1.2 or greater' end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |t| t.need_tar = true end end